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Feeding not recommended

If an ingredient in a dog's diet is described as "not recommended for feeding", this means that this ingredient is not suitable for feeding to your dog. There can be various reasons why an ingredient is not recommended. For example, it could contain harmful ingredients that could affect your dog's health, or it could be difficult to digest and cause gastrointestinal problems. Some ingredients can also cause allergic reactions or are toxic to dogs.

It's important to be aware of your dog's specific dietary needs and sensitivities.


Artificial additive artificial sweetener Feeding not recommended
Chemistry Feeding toxic Feeding not recommended Highly toxic Can cause cancer Potential source of danger
Chemistry Feeding not recommended Feeding toxic
Exotic Feeding not recommended Tolerated in small quantities
Rich in amino acids Feeding not recommended Feeding toxic
Chemistry Colorants Artificial additive Feeding toxic Feeding not recommended Potential source of danger Potential allergy trigger Compatibility unknown
Allura red AC
Chemistry Aroma can have effects on the nervous system Feeding toxic Feeding not recommended
Allyl methyl trisulfide
Rich in fiber Rich in minerals Rich in proteins Rich in vitamins Seed Plant conditionally compatible Feeding not recommended Feeding toxic
Plant Tree Ornamental plant Feeding not recommended Potential source of danger
American Gleditsia
Chemistry Artificial additive Baked goods Processed food Feeding not recommended Potential source of danger
Ammonium carbonate
Chemistry Artificial additive Feeding not recommended
Ammonium hydrogen carbonate
Chemistry Artificial additive Feeding toxic Feeding not recommended Potential source of danger
anionic surfactants
Intended for human consumption Contains sugar Baked goods Fruit Bad for the teeth conditionally compatible Feeding not recommended
Apple bag
Intended for human consumption Contains sugar Baked goods Fruit Processed food Feeding not recommended
Apple Danish pastry
Contains grains Baked goods Fruit Processed food Feeding not recommended Potential source of danger
Apple strudel
Intended for human consumption Contains sugar Fruit Processed food Feeding not recommended Tolerated in small quantities
Intended for human consumption Contains sugar Baked goods Fruit Bad for the teeth Feeding not recommended
Apricot bag
Intended for human consumption Can contribute to employment Contains sugar Aroma Candy Can have an appetizing effect Supports digestion Bad for the teeth Rich in fructose conditionally compatible Feeding not recommended Safe feeding Tolerated in small quantities
Apricot jam
Naturopathy Topical application Plant Garden plant Medicinal plant Herb Feeding not recommended Feeding toxic Tolerated in small quantities Potential allergy trigger
Medicine Naturopathy Topical application Plant Garden plant Medicinal plant Herb Feeding not recommended Tolerated in small quantities Potential source of danger Potential allergy trigger
Arnica blossoms
Intended for human consumption Aroma Flavor enhancer Supports digestion May have anti-inflammatory properties Spice plant Feeding not recommended Can trigger hyperactivity in sensitive dogs Can cause digestive problems
Chemistry can have effects on the nervous system Feeding toxic Feeding not recommended Highly toxic Can cause cancer Potential source of danger
Chemistry Feeding not recommended
artificial additives
May interact with medications Plant Ornamental plant Feeding toxic Feeding not recommended Highly toxic Can cause digestive problems Potential source of danger Compatibility unknown
Arum family
Chemistry Aroma Medicine conditionally compatible Feeding not recommended
Fat Rich in minerals Rich in nutrients Rich in vitamins Natural sweetener Fruit Feeding toxic Feeding not recommended Potential source of danger
Exotic Intended for human consumption May have antioxidant properties Liquid Oil May have anti-inflammatory properties Can support skin and coat health Source of vitamin E Fat Source of healthy unsaturated fats Rich in nutrients conditionally compatible Feeding not recommended Highly digestible
Avocado oil
Plant Tree conditionally compatible Feeding toxic Feeding not recommended Potential source of danger Compatibility unknown
Avocado tree
Chemistry Colorants Artificial additive Feeding toxic Feeding not recommended Potential source of danger Potential allergy trigger Compatibility unknown
Food Meat Feeding not recommended
Food Contains grains Baked goods Bread Processed food Compatibility Feeding not recommended
Contains grains Baked goods Bread Processed food conditionally compatible Feeding not recommended
Bakery products