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conditionally compatible

When an ingredient in a dog's diet is said to be "conditionally tolerated", this means that some dogs can tolerate this ingredient well, while it can cause problems for others. It depends on various factors, such as the individual sensitivity of the dog, its health history or even its breed. It may also mean that something needs to be cooked through first, for example. In this case, please read the relevant article to find out the condition.

For example, some dogs cannot process certain proteins or grains well, which can lead to digestive problems or allergies. If an ingredient is classified as "conditionally tolerated", you should monitor your dog closely when he first eats this food. If he shows signs of intolerance such as skin irritation, diarrhea or vomiting, you should avoid this ingredient in the future.


Rich in fiber Rich in proteins Legume conditionally compatible Tolerated in small quantities
Adzuki bean
Exotic conditionally compatible
Intended for human consumption Natural sweetener conditionally compatible Potential source of danger
Agave syrup
Exotic Legume conditionally compatible
Exotic Legume Plant conditionally compatible Tolerated in small quantities
Exotic Food Flour conditionally compatible Tolerated in small quantities
Alfalfa flour
Common ingredient in dog food Food Plant conditionally compatible
Rich in minerals Rich in proteins Rich in vitamins Oil Underwater plant conditionally compatible
Algae oil
Colorants Naturopathy Topical application Plant Spice plant Medicinal plant conditionally compatible
conditionally compatible Tolerated in small quantities
Rich in fiber Rich in minerals Rich in proteins Rich in vitamins Seed Plant conditionally compatible Feeding not recommended Feeding toxic
Chemistry Artificial additive Liquid Medicine conditionally compatible Feeding toxic Potential source of danger
Ammonium chloride
Chemistry Aroma Medicine conditionally compatible Tolerated in small quantities
Exotic Aroma Plant Spice plant conditionally compatible Tolerated in small quantities
Exotic Seed Plant Spice plant conditionally compatible Tolerated in small quantities
Colorants Natural colorant Berry Vegetable Rich in antioxidants conditionally compatible Tolerated in small quantities
Medicine Poison control Emergency medicine conditionally compatible
Intended for human consumption Contains sugar Baked goods Fruit Bad for the teeth conditionally compatible Feeding not recommended
Apple bag
Rich in fiber Fruit conditionally compatible Tolerated in small quantities
Apple pectin
Fruit conditionally compatible
Apple pulp
Intended for human consumption Contains sugar Fruit Processed food conditionally compatible
Apple rolls
Food Fruit conditionally compatible Tolerated in small quantities
Intended for human consumption Can contribute to employment Contains sugar Aroma Candy Can have an appetizing effect Supports digestion Bad for the teeth Rich in fructose conditionally compatible Feeding not recommended Safe feeding Tolerated in small quantities
Apricot jam
Rich in minerals Rich in nutrients Rich in vitamins Fruit conditionally compatible Potential source of danger
Rich in fatty acids Acid conditionally compatible
Arachidonic acid
Oil Can support skin and coat health Food supplements conditionally compatible
Argan oil
Aroma Flavor enhancer Artificial additive Oil Medicine Naturopathy Topical application conditionally compatible Compatibility unknown
Food Vegetable Plant Herb conditionally compatible
Artichoke herb
Rich in minerals Food Plant conditionally compatible
Chemistry Aroma Medicine conditionally compatible Feeding not recommended
Microorganism Mushroom Mold conditionally compatible
Aspergillus carbonarius
Microorganism Mushroom Mold conditionally compatible Potential source of danger
Aspergillus flavus