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In dog nutrition, the term "vegetables" refers to plant foods that can be an important source of vitamins, minerals and fiber for your dog. Vegetables such as carrots, green beans, pumpkin and spinach provide essential nutrients that contribute to your dog's overall health. It can help boost the immune system, aid digestion and even contribute to weight control.

However, it's important to be careful which vegetables you give your dog, as some varieties, such as onions and garlic, can be toxic to dogs. Also, vegetables should always be fed in appropriate amounts and as part of a balanced diet.


Rich in fatty acids Rich in minerals Rich in proteins Rich in vitamins Food Fish & Seafood Meat Vegetable Contains grains Legume Insect Fruit Seed Animal product Plant Safe feeding
Natural ingredients
Vegetable Plant Feeding not recommended Feeding toxic
Vegetable Processed food Feeding not recommended
Pickled cucumber
Rich in essential substances Rich in fiber Rich in minerals Rich in proteins Rich in vitamins Meat Vegetable Contains grains Legume Fruit Animal product Compatibility Tolerated in small quantities
Rich in proteins Rich in trace elements Rich in vitamins Vegetable conditionally compatible Tolerated in small quantities
Potato starch
Food Vegetable Compatibility Safe feeding
Rich in essential substances Rich in minerals Rich in vitamins Food Vegetable Processed food Compatibility Safe feeding
Pumpkin seed flour
Rich in minerals Rich in trace elements Rich in vitamins Vegetable conditionally compatible Tolerated in small quantities
Rich in minerals Rich in trace elements Rich in vitamins Vegetable Plant Safe feeding Tolerated in small quantities
Vegetable Compatibility Tolerated in small quantities
Vegetable Feeding toxic
Vegetable Legume Plant Tolerated in small quantities
Snap pea
Rich in minerals Rich in vitamins Food Vegetable Compatibility Safe feeding
Spaghetti squash
Exotic Vegetable Safe feeding
Spiky strawberry spinach
Rich in fiber Rich in minerals Rich in vitamins Vegetable Tolerated in small quantities
Rich in fiber Rich in minerals Rich in proteins Rich in vitamins Vegetable Tolerated in small quantities
Sweet potatoes
Rich in vitamins Vegetable Processed food Feeding not recommended
Tomato salad
Rich in fiber Rich in minerals Rich in vitamins Vegetable Fruit Plant Tolerated in small quantities
Food Vegetable Plant Compatibility Safe feeding
vegetable fiber extracts
Rich in fiber Rich in minerals Rich in vitamins Vegetable conditionally compatible
Rich in essential substances Rich in vitamins Vegetable Plant Compatibility Safe feeding
Vitamin K1
Rich in fiber Rich in minerals Rich in vitamins Vegetable conditionally compatible Tolerated in small quantities
Whole grain maize
Intended for human consumption May have antibacterial properties May have antioxidant properties Aroma Vegetable Seasonal vegetables May have anti-inflammatory properties Garden plant Spice plant Feeding toxic Feeding not recommended
Winter onion
Vegetable Fruit Processed food Feeding toxic
Rich in fiber Rich in minerals Rich in vitamins Vegetable Safe feeding