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vegetable fiber extracts

A representation of vegetable fiber extracts

Fiber, also known as roughage, is an indigestible component of plants that plays an important role in the health and well-being of dogs. They occur in various forms, such as cellulose, pectin or inulin, and can be obtained from different sources, such as fruit, vegetables, cereals or legumes. Vegetable fiber extracts are concentrated forms of fiber that can be used as an additive to dog food or as a dietary supplement.

Benefits of plant fiber extracts for dogs

Plant fiber extracts can have various positive effects on the health of dogs, such as

  • Regulating digestion by stimulating intestinal motility, improving fecal consistency and preventing constipation or diarrhea.
  • Supporting weight control by increasing satiety, reducing calorie intake and stabilizing blood sugar levels.
  • Promote intestinal flora by acting as prebiotics, i.e. as food for the beneficial bacteria in the intestine that strengthen the immune system and inhibit inflammation.
  • Relieving allergies, skin problems or infections by supporting the body's defenses and enhancing the effect of antioxidants or other natural active ingredients.

Disadvantages of herbal fiber extracts for dogs

Plant fiber extracts are generally well tolerated by dogs, but there are some potential disadvantages that should be considered, such as

  • Interfering with nutrient absorption by binding digestive enzymes or reducing the absorption of minerals or vitamins.
  • Causing bloating, gas or abdominal pain if administered in too large quantities or too quickly.
  • Triggering intolerances or allergies if they come from sources that are problematic for dogs, such as citrus fruits, wheat or soy.

How much vegetable fiber extract does my dog need?

The optimal amount of vegetable fiber extracts for dogs depends on various factors, such as age, weight, health status and type of food. In general, an average crude fiber content of 2-4% in dry food or 0.5% in wet food is sufficient for most dogs to ensure healthy digestion. For senior or overweight dogs, the recommended content may be significantly higher, while for puppies or dogs with certain medical conditions, a lower content may be appropriate. It is therefore advisable to follow the manufacturer's or veterinarian's recommendations and observe the dog's reaction when giving plant fiber extracts.

Which plant fiber extracts are suitable for dogs?

There are different types of plant fiber extracts that are suitable for dogs, depending on the purpose they are intended to serve. Some examples are:

  • Cellulose: This is the most common form of fiber found in dog food. It is usually derived from wood or plant fibers and has a high water-binding capacity. It helps to increase the amount of feces and regulate digestion.
  • Pectin: This is a soluble fiber obtained from fruit or vegetables such as apples or beets. It has a gel-forming effect and can promote intestinal flora, lower cholesterol levels and strengthen the immune system.
  • Inulin: This is a soluble fiber obtained from plants such as chicory or Jerusalem artichoke. It acts as a prebiotic and can improve intestinal health, increase nutrient absorption and support blood sugar regulation.
  • Psyllium seeds: These are the seed husks of the Plantago ovata plant, which have a high swelling capacity. They can improve the consistency of stools, prevent constipation or diarrhea and promote bowel cleansing.
  • Grapefruit seed extract: This is an extract from the seeds of the grapefruit, which has a strong antibacterial, antiviral and antioxidant effect. It can help with allergies, skin problems or infections and enhance the effect of other natural active ingredients.

How do I administer plant fiber extracts to my dog?

Plant fiber extracts can be administered either as an additive to dog food or as a dietary supplement. There are different forms, such as powders, tablets, capsules or liquids, which can vary depending on the type and amount of fiber.


Plant fiber extracts are beneficial nutrients for dogs that can provide various health and wellness benefits. They can support digestion, weight control, intestinal flora and the dog's immune system and help with various ailments. There are different types and sources of fiber that can be selected depending on the dog's needs. However, it is important to administer the correct amount and form and to observe the dog's reaction to achieve the optimum effect.

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Learn even more about vegetable fiber extracts

If you notice any signs of hypersensitivity or poisoning in your dog, you should see your vet immediately. We are not a substitute for a vet, but we try to be as accurate as possible. Every dog reacts differently and we recommend you get a second opinion or consult your vet if in doubt.

Stay healthy and take good care of your four-legged friend!😊