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Intended for human consumption

If an ingredient for dog food is indicated as "intended for human consumption", this means that this ingredient is also suitable as food for humans. It is therefore an ingredient that can be used both in human nutrition and in animal feed.


Intended for human consumption Rich in salt Food Animal product Meat Processed food Can have a negative effect on cholesterol levels Rich in iron Rich in nutrients Rich in proteins
Blood sausage
Intended for human consumption Contains sugar Contains grains Baked goods Processed food Bad for the teeth Can trigger hyperactivity in sensitive dogs Not suitable for consumption by dogs
Blueberry strudel
Intended for human consumption Rich in salt Food Animal product Meat Product from livestock Processed food Can help with weight gain Can have a negative effect on cholesterol levels Rich in proteins Feeding not recommended Can trigger hyperactivity in sensitive dogs Can cause digestive problems
Bockwurst sausages
Intended for human consumption Food Animal product Meat Processed food Can have a negative effect on cholesterol levels Rich in fat Rich in proteins Can trigger hyperactivity in sensitive dogs Can cause digestive problems
Bœuf Stroganoff
Intended for human consumption Contains grains Baked goods Rich in gluten Rich in fiber Rich in carbohydrates Rich in strength Can be eaten fresh Tolerated in small quantities
Bread roll
Low in essential substances Intended for human consumption Rich in salt Liquid Soup Contains grains Processed food Rich in carbohydrates
Bread soup
Intended for human consumption Food Fish & Seafood Can support heart health Rich in amino acids Rich in nutrients Rich in proteins Rich in vitamin D
Intended for human consumption By-product Microorganism Can support the immune system Can have a positive effect on cholesterol levels Can support skin and coat health Can contribute to the promotion of intestinal health Natural probiotic Supports digestion Food supplements Rich in essential substances Rich in nutrients Rich in amino acids Rich in proteins Safe feeding Suitable for vegan diets Suitable for vegetarian diets Tolerated in small quantities
Brewer's yeast cell walls
Intended for human consumption Rich in salt Aroma Cheese Product from livestock Rich in fat Rich in milk proteins Rich in nutrients conditionally compatible Contains lactose Potential allergy trigger
Brillat-Savarin cheese
Intended for human consumption Low glycemic index Baked goods Can support the immune system Can support heart health Can promote cardiovascular health Supports digestion May have anti-inflammatory properties Source of vitamin C Low fat content Rich in antioxidants Rich in fiber Rich in folic acid Rich in minerals Rich in nutrients Rich in vitamins Rich in vitamin K Can be eaten fresh Suitable for vegetarian diets
Broccoli casserole
Intended for human consumption Common ingredient in dog food By-product Contains grains Low fat content Rich in nutrients Rich in carbohydrates Rich in strength Suitable for vegan diets Suitable for vegetarian diets Tolerated in small quantities
Broken rice
Low calorie content Intended for human consumption Superfood Gluten free Can support the immune system Can have a detoxifying effect May affect thyroid function Naturopathy Food supplements Underwater plant Rich in essential substances Rich in fatty acids Low fat content Rich in nutrients Rich in antioxidants Rich in fiber Rich in minerals Rich in vitamins Rich in water / moisture Safe feeding Suitable for raw food Suitable for vegan diets Suitable for vegetarian diets
Brown algae
Intended for human consumption Common ingredient in dog food Natural source of antioxidants Source of complex carbohydrates Baked goods Gluten free Processed food Supports digestion Important for metabolic processes Rich in fiber Rich in minerals Rich in nutrients Rich in proteins Rich in vitamins Suitable for vegan diets Suitable for vegetarian diets
Buckwheat flakes
Intended for human consumption Cheese Rich in milk proteins Rich in nutrients Rich in water / moisture Can be eaten fresh Contains lactose
Intended for human consumption Natural source of antioxidants Supports digestion Can support skin and coat health Mushroom Rich in minerals Rich in nutrients Rich in vitamins Rich in vitamin D Can be eaten fresh Tolerated in small quantities
Butter mushroom
Intended for human consumption Contains sugar Processed food Bad for the teeth Rich in fat Can cause digestive problems Not suitable for consumption by dogs Potential allergy trigger
Intended for human consumption Food Feeding not recommended Tolerated in small quantities
Intended for human consumption Food Animal product Cheese Feeding not recommended Tolerated in small quantities
Intended for human consumption Food Animal product Cheese Feeding not recommended Tolerated in small quantities
Chavroux Tendre Bûche
Intended for human consumption Food Meat Vegetable Animal product Cheese Processed food conditionally compatible Feeding not recommended
Intended for human consumption Processed food Feeding toxic
Intended for human consumption Seasonal vegetables Low fat content Rich in fiber Rich in nutrients Rich in vitamins conditionally compatible Can be eaten fresh Feeding not recommended Suitable for vegan diets Suitable for vegetarian diets
Eggplant casserole
Intended for human consumption Natural sweetener Feeding not recommended Potential source of danger
Maple syrup
Intended for human consumption Can improve the absorption of nutrients Fish & Seafood can have effects on the nervous system Can support the immune system Can support heart health Can support muscle health May have anti-inflammatory properties May affect thyroid function Can contribute to the promotion of blood health Natural source of taurine Natural source of zinc Source of healthy unsaturated fats Rich in minerals Rich in nutrients Rich in proteins Rich in trace elements Rich in zinc Can be eaten fresh Highly digestible
Low protein content Intended for human consumption Natural sweetener Processed food Candy Can help regulate blood sugar levels Supports digestion Rich in fiber Rich in energy Rich in fructose Rich in vitamins Rich in water / moisture Can be eaten fresh Suitable for vegan diets Suitable for vegetarian diets
Pear compote
Intended for human consumption Contains sugar Contains grains Baked goods Processed food Feeding not recommended
Pear strudel
Intended for human consumption Liquid Alcoholic drink Not suitable for consumption by dogs
Pear wine
Intended for human consumption Common ingredient in dog food Fish & Seafood Animal product Product from wild animals Can support the immune system Can support skin and coat health Supports digestion Rich in essential substances Source of healthy unsaturated fats Rich in nutrients Rich in amino acids Rich in minerals Rich in proteins Rich in vitamins conditionally compatible Can be eaten fresh Safe feeding Suitable for raw food
Intended for human consumption Contains sugar Fruit Good for the teeth Safe feeding Tolerated in small quantities Potential source of danger
Pineapple chips
Exotic Intended for human consumption Plant Tree Garden plant Rich in nutrients Can be eaten fresh Compatibility unknown
Porridge apple tree
Intended for human consumption Low glycemic index Regional product Gluten free Plant Rich in carbohydrates Rich in strength Feeding toxic Feeding not recommended
Intended for human consumption Liquid Processed food conditionally compatible Feeding not recommended Tolerated in small quantities