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green lentils

A representation of green lentils

Lentils are a popular food for many people who want to eat a healthy, protein-rich diet. But what about our four-legged friends? Can dogs eat lentils? And if so, which variety is best? In this article, you'll find out all about green lentils for dogs.

What are green lentils?

Green lentils are pulses from the papilionaceous family. They are the seeds of the lentil plant, which originally comes from Asia Minor and has been used as food for thousands of years. Green lentils have a flat shape and are dark green to brown in color. They are slightly larger than red or yellow lentils and retain their shape and bite when cooked.

What nutrients do green lentils contain?

Green lentils are rich in vegetable protein, which is important for muscle building and cell regeneration. A portion of 100 g of cooked green lentils contains around 9 g of protein. Green lentils also provide complex carbohydrates that are digested slowly and ensure a steady supply of energy. Green lentils have a low fat and sugar content and are therefore low in calories. A portion of 100 grams of cooked green lentils contains only about 116 calories.

In addition to protein and carbohydrates, green lentils contain a lot of fiber, which aids digestion and increases the feeling of satiety. Fiber can also lower cholesterol levels and regulate blood sugar levels. Green lentils have a high fiber content of about 8 grams per 100 grams of cooked lentils.

Other nutrients that green lentils contain are minerals such as iron, zinc, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus and calcium. Iron is important for the formation of red blood cells and the transportation of oxygen in the body. Zinc supports the immune system and wound healing. Magnesium is involved in many metabolic processes and helps to relax the muscles. Potassium regulates the water balance and blood pressure. Phosphorus is a component of bones and teeth. Calcium also strengthens bones and teeth and is important for muscle function.

Green lentils also contain vitamins such as folic acid, vitamin B1, vitamin B6 and vitamin E. Folic acid is important for cell division and DNA synthesis. Vitamin B1 supports carbohydrate metabolism and nerve function. Vitamin B6 is involved in the formation of hormones and messenger substances. Vitamin E is considered a cell protection vitamin and protects the cells from oxidative damage and free radicals.

What are the benefits of green lentils for dogs?

Green lentils have many benefits for dogs. Here are some of them:

  • Green lentils are rich in vegetable protein, which is important for muscle building and cell regeneration. Protein is a vital nutrient for dogs that the body cannot produce itself.
  • Green lentils contain a lot of fiber, which aids digestion and increases the feeling of satiety. Fiber can also help to regulate blood sugar levels and prevent obesity.
  • Green lentils provide many minerals such as iron, zinc, magnesium and folic acid, which are important for various metabolic processes and blood formation. Iron is particularly important for dogs with anemia.
  • Green lentils contain antioxidants and B vitamins, which can strengthen the immune system and protect cells from free radicals. Vitamin E is a particularly effective cell protection vitamin that also promotes healthy skin and coat.

What are the disadvantages of green lentils for dogs?

Although green lentils are healthy for dogs, they also have disadvantages. Here are some of them:

  • Green lentils should never be fed raw as they contain the toxin phasin and the bitter substance saponin. These substances can lead to symptoms of poisoning such as vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite and abdominal cramps. Phasin and saponin are rendered harmless by cooking.
  • Green lentils can cause flatulence as they contain carbohydrates that are difficult to digest. This can lead to discomfort and bloating. To avoid this, you should only feed green lentils in small quantities and cook or soak them well.
  • Green lentils can trigger allergies if your dog is sensitive to legumes. Symptoms of an allergy can include itching, skin rash, swelling or breathing difficulties.

Green lentils are a type of legume, rich in vegetable protein, fiber, minerals and vitamins. They can be healthy for dogs by supporting muscle growth, digestion and the immune system. However, raw lentils should never be fed as they may contain toxic substances. Excessive consumption can cause flatulence and allergic reactions. Therefore, green lentils should be served in small quantities and well cooked.

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Rich in minerals Rich in vitamins Food Legume Compatibility Safe feeding Tolerated in small quantities

Learn even more about green lentils

If you notice any signs of hypersensitivity or poisoning in your dog, you should see your vet immediately. We are not a substitute for a vet, but we try to be as accurate as possible. Every dog reacts differently and we recommend you get a second opinion or consult your vet if in doubt.

Stay healthy and take good care of your four-legged friend!😊

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