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When the term "chemical" is used to describe an ingredient in dog food, it can have different meanings and it is not always immediately clear what exactly is meant. Generally, the term "chemical" refers to chemical additives or artificially produced substances that may be added to the food for various reasons.

These chemical additives can be preservatives, colorants, flavor enhancers or other additives that are used to extend the shelf life, improve the appearance or taste of the food. Some of these chemical additives are safe for dogs, while others may be controversial or potentially harmful.


Chemistry Liquid can have effects on the nervous system Feeding toxic Highly toxic Can cause cancer
Chemistry Artificial additive Liquid Use in animal care
Chemistry Liquid Compatibility unknown
Chemistry Preservative Use in animal care Rich in water / moisture
Chemistry Medicine May have anti-inflammatory properties Rich in antioxidants Potential allergy trigger
Chemistry Biotechnology Liquid Compatibility unknown
Chemistry Biotechnology Preservative Liquid
Chemistry Aroma Flavor enhancer Liquid Beneficial for nerve functions Tolerated in small quantities
Chemistry Preservative Artificial additive Potential source of danger Potential allergy trigger
2-ethylhexyl acrylate
Chemistry Preservative Use in animal care
Chemistry Preservative Potential source of danger
Chemistry Poison control May interact with medications Feeding toxic Potential source of danger
2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid
Chemistry Can influence the mood Supports digestion May interact with medications Drug Sleeping pills Food supplements Compatibility unknown
Chemistry Potential source of danger
Chemistry Colorants Artificial additive Potential allergy trigger
Acid Red 1
Chemistry Feeding toxic Highly toxic Potential source of danger
Acrylic acid propyl ester
Chemistry Feeding toxic Feeding not recommended Highly toxic Can cause cancer Potential source of danger
Chemistry Beneficial for nerve functions Important for cell health Important for metabolic processes Rich in energy
Adenosine monophosphate
Chemistry Can support the immune system Important for metabolic processes Rich in amino acids Safe feeding
Common ingredient in dog food Can improve the absorption of nutrients Chemistry Food Can support muscle health Can support skin and coat health Rich in essential substances Rich in proteins
Albumin powder
Common ingredient in dog food Can improve the absorption of nutrients Chemistry Food Can support muscle health Can support skin and coat health Rich in essential substances Rich in proteins
Chemistry Hormone can have effects on the nervous system Can help regulate blood pressure Important for the water and electrolyte balance
Long lasting Chemistry Preservative Stabilizer Food Gluten free Suitable for vegan diets
Alginic acid
Chemistry Feeding not recommended Feeding toxic
Chemistry Colorants Artificial additive Feeding toxic Feeding not recommended Potential source of danger Potential allergy trigger Compatibility unknown
Allura red AC
Chemistry Aroma can have effects on the nervous system Feeding toxic Feeding not recommended
Allyl methyl trisulfide
May have antibacterial properties Chemistry Aroma Can support the immune system May have anti-inflammatory properties
Allyl sulfide
Chemistry Gas Liquid Medicine Feeding toxic Potential source of danger