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4-Hydroxybenzoic acid heptyl ester

A representation of 4-Hydroxybenzoic acid heptyl ester

4-Hydroxybenzoic acid heptyl ester is a chemical compound that belongs to the parabens. Parabens are preservatives that are used in many foods, cosmetics and pharmaceutical products. They prevent the growth of bacteria, fungi and yeasts and thus extend the shelf life of products.

What exactly is 4-hydroxybenzoic acid heptyl ester?

4-Hydroxybenzoic acid heptyl ester is the heptyl ester of the aromatic carboxylic acid 4-hydroxybenzoic acid. This means that a heptyl residue (a chain of seven carbon atoms) is attached to the acid group of 4-hydroxybenzoic acid. The structural formula of 4-hydroxybenzoic acid heptyl ester is C15H22O3. The compound is a colorless, crystalline solid with a melting point of about 80 °C.

How does 4-hydroxybenzoic acid heptyl ester affect dogs?

4-Hydroxybenzoic acid heptyl ester may be present in small amounts in some foods or cosmetics intended for dogs. For example, it can be used as a preservative in dog food or as an antioxidant in dog shampoo. The compound has an antimicrobial effect and thus protects against product spoilage.

However, the effect of 4-hydroxybenzoic acid heptyl ester on dogs has not been fully researched. There is evidence that parabens in general can cause hormonal disturbances by mimicking or inhibiting the function of estrogens. This can lead to infertility, malformations or tumors. Parabens can also trigger allergic reactions such as skin rashes, itching or breathing difficulties.

The health risks of 4-hydroxybenzoic acid heptyl ester for dogs depend on the dose, frequency and duration of exposure. The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has established a Tolerable Daily Intake (TDI) of 10 mg/kg body weight per day for all parabens. This means that a 10 kg dog should not consume more than 100 mg of parabens per day.


4-Hydroxybenzoic acid heptyl ester is a chemical compound that belongs to the parabens and is used as a preservative in some products for dogs. The compound has an antimicrobial effect, but can also cause hormonal disorders or allergic reactions. The health risks depend on the dose and exposure. It is therefore advisable to check the ingredients of products for dogs and avoid parabens wherever possible.

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Learn even more about 4-Hydroxybenzoic acid heptyl ester

If you notice any signs of hypersensitivity or poisoning in your dog, you should see your vet immediately. We are not a substitute for a vet, but we try to be as accurate as possible. Every dog reacts differently and we recommend you get a second opinion or consult your vet if in doubt.

Stay healthy and take good care of your four-legged friend!😊

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