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Wheat gluten

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A representation of Wheat gluten feed

Wheat gluten is a vegetable protein obtained from wheat flour. It is often used as a binding agent or thickener in food, for example in bread, pasta or seitan. But wheat gluten can also be found in dog food. What's it all about and how does it affect your dog? In this article, you can find out more about the advantages and disadvantages of wheat gluten in dog food.

What is wheat gluten?

Wheat gluten is the protein contained in wheat flour. It consists mainly of glutenin and gliadin, which together form gluten. When wheat flour is mixed with water, a sticky dough is formed that can be kneaded. The gluten molecules combine to form an elastic network that gives the dough its structure and elasticity. When the dough is washed to remove the starch and other components, the wheat gluten remains. It has a rubbery consistency and a neutral taste.

Wheat gluten is often used as a meat substitute in vegetarian or vegan dishes as it has a high biological value. This means that it contains all the essential amino acids that the body cannot produce itself. It also has a high protein content of around 75 to 80 percent. It can be prepared in various forms and textures, for example as seitan, mock duck or veggie sausage.

How does wheat gluten get into dog food?

Wheat gluten is also used in the pet food industry, mainly as a binding agent or thickener. For example, it can be used to hold pieces of meat or vegetables together or to create a creamy consistency. It can also be used as a source of protein to increase the protein content of the feed or to replace meat.

Wheat gluten is usually found in dry food or wet food, but also in treats or chews. It can appear under various names on the list of ingredients, for example as wheat gluten, wheat protein or plant protein extract.

What are the benefits of wheat gluten in dog food?

Wheat gluten has a number of benefits in dog food, mainly related to its high protein content. For example, it can help to promote your dog's muscle development and regeneration. It can also help to meet your dog's energy needs, especially if they are very active or need to gain weight.

Wheat gluten can also be an alternative for dogs who are allergic to animal proteins or who should not eat meat for ethical reasons. It can support a balanced diet when combined with other plant or animal protein sources.

What are the disadvantages of wheat gluten in dog food?

Wheat gluten also has some disadvantages as a source of protein in dog food. It can lead to intolerances or allergies in some dogs, which can manifest themselves in skin problems, itching, diarrhea or vomiting. This is because wheat gluten contains gluten, a protein that can trigger an immune reaction in some dogs. Gluten can also damage the intestinal wall and impair the absorption of nutrients. In addition, wheat gluten can lead to an oversupply of certain amino acids, which can disrupt the balance with other amino acids. This can lead to increased excretion of nitrogen via the urine, which can put a strain on the kidneys.


Wheat gluten is a plant-based protein source in dog food that has some advantages, but also some disadvantages. Whether or not your dog can tolerate wheat gluten depends on their individual sensitivity. If you suspect that your dog has an intolerance or allergy to wheat gluten, you should introduce him to a vet and switch to a different food if necessary. There are many alternatives to wheat gluten in dog food, such as animal proteins from meat or fish or other vegetable proteins from soy or peas. You should always make sure that your dog's food is balanced, of high quality and meets his needs.

Learn even more about Wheat gluten feed

If you notice any signs of hypersensitivity or poisoning in your dog, you should see your vet immediately. We are not a substitute for a vet, but we try to be as accurate as possible. Every dog reacts differently and we recommend you get a second opinion or consult your vet if in doubt.

Stay healthy and take good care of your four-legged friend!😊