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A representation of Wheat

Wheat is one of the most common grains used in dog food. But is wheat really good for your dog? What are the benefits and drawbacks of wheat in dog food? In this article, you'll learn more about wheat and how it can affect your dog's health and well-being.

What is wheat?

Wheat is a plant that belongs to the sweet grass family. It has been cultivated by humans for thousands of years and used as food. Wheat consists of a grain made up of three parts: the endosperm, the germ and the hull. Wheat is used to make various products, such as flour, flakes, bran and pasta.

Wheat contains many nutrients and ingredients that are valuable for dogs. These include:

  • Highly digestible proteins, which are important for muscle building and cell regeneration.
  • High-quality fats, which are important for skin and coat health and hormone production.
  • Fiber, which is important for digestion and intestinal health.
  • Vital minerals, such as calcium, magnesium, iron and zinc, which are important for bones, blood formation and the immune system.
  • Vitamins, such as vitamin B1, B2, B6 or E, which are important for metabolism, nerve function and cell protection.
  • Energy-providing carbohydrates in the form of starch, which are important for performance and endurance.

Wheat can therefore be a useful addition to dog food if it is fed in moderation and in good quality.

What are the benefits of wheat in dog food?

Wheat has several benefits that make it a popular ingredient in dog food. For example:

  • Wheat is an inexpensive and available feed that can reduce the cost of feeding dogs.
  • Wheat is a palatable and accepted food that can promote appetite and food intake.
  • Wheat is an energy-rich feed that can meet the calorie requirements of active and athletic dogs.
  • Wheat is a high-fiber feed that can improve intestinal activity and faecal consistency.
  • Wheat is a versatile feedstuff that is available in various forms and products and can be combined well with other feedstuffs.

Wheat can therefore have a positive effect on your dog's diet and health if it is fed in appropriate quantities and in good quality.

What are the disadvantages of wheat in dog food?

Wheat also has some disadvantages that make it a controversial ingredient in dog food. For example:

  • Wheat can cause allergies or intolerances in some dogs, which can manifest as skin problems, itching, diarrhea or vomiting. This may be due to a specific protein in wheat called gluten. Gluten can cause an immune reaction in some dogs.
  • Wheat can lead to obesity or diabetes in some dogs if it is fed in excessive quantities or in poor quality. This is because wheat contains a lot of carbohydrates, which can cause blood sugar levels to rise. This can lead to increased insulin production and reduced fat burning.
  • Wheat can lead to deficiency symptoms or digestive disorders in some dogs if it displaces other important foods or impairs nutrient absorption. This may be due to certain substances in wheat called phytic acid or lectins. Phytic acid can reduce the availability of minerals such as calcium or iron. Lectins can damage the intestinal wall or disrupt the intestinal flora.

Wheat can therefore have a negative effect on your dog's diet and health if it is fed in inappropriate quantities or in poor quality.

How can you correctly dose and select wheat in dog food?

Wheat is not an absolutely necessary ingredient in dog food, but it is not fundamentally harmful either. Whether you should feed your dog wheat or not depends on various factors, such as

  • Your dog's individual tolerance. If your dog shows no signs of allergies or intolerances, you can feed him wheat in moderation. However, if your dog is sensitive to wheat, you should avoid it or replace it with other cereals that are gluten-free, such as rice, corn, millet, buckwheat, amaranth or quinoa.
  • The quality of the wheat. If you want to feed your dog wheat, you should make sure it is of good quality. This means that the wheat should be as fresh, unprocessed, organic and free from harmful substances as possible. You should also pay attention to a precise list of ingredients to avoid mixing the wheat with other grains or additives.
  • The amount of wheat. If you want to feed your dog wheat, you should make sure that the amount is appropriate. This means that the wheat should not make up more than 10 to 20 percent of the total food. You should also pay attention to your dog's weight, activity and health status to avoid giving him too much or too little energy.

Wheat can therefore be a useful addition to dog food if you dose and select it correctly.


Wheat is one of the most common grains used in dog food. It has both advantages and disadvantages for your dog's diet and health. Whether or not you should feed your dog wheat depends on his individual tolerance, the quality of the wheat and the amount of wheat.

Learn even more about Wheat

If you notice any signs of hypersensitivity or poisoning in your dog, you should see your vet immediately. We are not a substitute for a vet, but we try to be as accurate as possible. Every dog reacts differently and we recommend you get a second opinion or consult your vet if in doubt.

Stay healthy and take good care of your four-legged friend!😊