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A representation of Scopolamine

Scopolamine is an active ingredient that is extracted from various nightshade plants and has an anticholinergic effect. This means that it inhibits the effect of acetylcholine, an important neurotransmitter in the nervous system. Scopolamine is mainly used in human medicine to treat motion sickness, nausea and vomiting. But can scopolamine also be used for dogs? In this article, you'll find out what scopolamine is, how it works, what its benefits and drawbacks are and what you should look out for if you want to give it to your dog.

What is scopolamine?

Scopolamine is a so-called parasympatholytic, which means that it blocks the receptors for acetylcholine at the ends of the nerve fibers that originate from the parasympathetic nervous system. The parasympathetic nervous system is part of the autonomic nervous system, which is responsible for maintaining bodily functions in a resting state. For example, it regulates digestion, heart rate, breathing and saliva production.

Scopolamine therefore inhibits the action of the parasympathetic nervous system, leading to a number of effects in the body, such as

  • Dilation of the pupils (mydriasis)
  • Reduction of saliva and sweat secretion
  • Reduction in gastrointestinal motility and secretion
  • Increase in heart rate
  • Relaxation of the bronchial muscles
  • Inhibition of bladder emptying

Scopolamine also has an effect on the central nervous system (CNS), i.e. the brain and spinal cord. Depending on the dose, it can lead to dampening or excitation of the CNS. At low doses, scopolamine can have a sedative effect and lead to drowsiness, memory loss and dreamless sleep. At higher doses, agitation, hallucinations and delirium may occur.

Scopolamine has a short duration of action of around four hours when administered orally or parenterally. For this reason, a transdermal patch is available in human medicine, which releases the active ingredient through the skin and has a duration of action of up to 72 hours.

How does scopolamine work in dogs?

Scopolamine can have similar effects in dogs as in humans, although there are some differences. Firstly, dogs are more sensitive to scopolamine than humans and therefore require lower doses. Secondly, scopolamine usually has a central excitatory rather than a depressant effect in dogs, which can lead to delirium and states of agitation.

Scopolamine is mainly used in dogs to treat motion sickness, as it is very effective against nausea and vomiting. It is assumed that scopolamine acts in the brain or in the organ of equilibrium and thus alleviates the symptoms of motion sickness.

Scopolamine can also be used in dogs to dilate the pupils before eye surgery. For this purpose, an eye drop solution containing scopolamine and another active substance (phenylephrine) is administered hourly.

What are the benefits of scopolamine for dogs?

The main benefit of scopolamine for dogs is its effectiveness against motion sickness. Many dogs suffer from nausea and vomiting when they have to drive or fly. This can be very uncomfortable for the dog and also stressful for the owner. Scopolamine can prevent or at least reduce this discomfort, making the journey more pleasant for both of you.

Another advantage of scopolamine is that it is available in different dosage forms. Scopolamine is available as tablets, injections, eye drops or patches. This allows the dosage and duration of action to be adapted to the individual dog and situation.

What are the disadvantages of scopolamine for dogs?

The main disadvantage of scopolamine for dogs is the risk of side effects, some of which can be severe. The most common side effects include:

  • Dry mouth
  • constipation
  • urinary retention
  • palpitations
  • Increase in intraocular pressure
  • trembling
  • restlessness
  • Confusion
  • hallucinations

These side effects can vary depending on the dose, duration of action and individual sensitivity of the dog. They can also lead to complications if the dog suffers from certain diseases, such as

  • Glaucoma (increased intraocular pressure)
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Prostatic hyperplasia (enlarged prostate)
  • Gastrointestinal diseases
  • epilepsy

Another disadvantage of scopolamine is that it is not approved for use in veterinary medicine and can therefore only be administered on prescription and under veterinary supervision. This means that owners cannot simply buy scopolamine and give it to their dog, but must always consult a vet. In addition, there are no precise dosage recommendations for dogs, so the use of scopolamine is always associated with a certain risk.


Scopolamine is an active ingredient that is mainly used to treat motion sickness in dogs. It has an anticholinergic effect that leads to a number of effects in the body. Scopolamine can be very effective in dogs, but can also lead to severe side effects. Therefore, scopolamine should only be used under veterinary supervision and with caution. Owners should always be aware of the possible risks and alternatives before giving their dog scopolamine.

Learn even more about Scopolamine

If you notice any signs of hypersensitivity or poisoning in your dog, you should see your vet immediately. We are not a substitute for a vet, but we try to be as accurate as possible. Every dog reacts differently and we recommend you get a second opinion or consult your vet if in doubt.

Stay healthy and take good care of your four-legged friend!😊