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A representation of Furan

Furan is a chemical compound that can be produced when food is heated. In animal studies, furan has caused cancer and liver damage. But how dangerous is furan for dogs and how can you reduce the intake of furan in your dog's food? In this article you will learn more about furan, its sources, effects and prevention.

What is furan?

Furan is a ring-shaped organic substance consisting of four carbon atoms and one oxygen atom. Furan is colorless, highly volatile and odorless and has a boiling point of 31° C. Furan is used in the chemical industry as an intermediate product and solvent.

How is furan formed in food?

Furan can be formed when foods containing carbohydrates, ascorbic acid or polyunsaturated fatty acids are heated. Various factors play a role here, such as temperature, duration, humidity and the composition of the food. Particularly high levels of furan have been detected in roasted foods such as coffee, cocoa, nuts and toast, as well as in convenience foods that are exposed to high temperatures in closed containers. Furan has also been found in baby food and dog food.

How does furan affect the body?

Furan is rapidly excreted via the lungs and urine after ingestion. However, some furan is converted in the body to a metabolite called cis-2-butene-1,4-dial, which has mutagenic and cell-damaging properties. In studies with rats and mice, high doses of furan caused cancer in various organs such as the liver, kidney, diaphragm and pancreas. Furan has also been shown to damage the liver after long-term ingestion.

How dangerous is furan for dogs?

The danger of furan for dogs has not yet been conclusively clarified. There are no studies to date that have specifically investigated the effect of furan on dogs. However, there are indications that dogs may be more sensitive to furan than other animal species such as rats or mice. This is because dogs have a lower activity of an enzyme that detoxifies cis-2-butene-1,4-dial. In addition, dogs have a longer life expectancy than rats or mice, which could increase the risk of chronic damage.

How can the intake of furan via dog food be reduced?

The intake of furan from dog food depends on the type and amount of food. Dry food generally contains less furan than wet food or moist food. This is because dry food is produced at lower temperatures than wet food or moist food. In addition, opening the packaging or stirring the food can cause some of the furan to escape. Therefore, you can reduce the intake of furan via the dog food by following these tips:

  • Give preference to dry food or mix it with wet food or moist food
  • Do not open the food packaging until shortly before feeding
  • Stir the food or allow it to cool before feeding
  • Follow the manufacturer's feeding recommendations and do not overfeed
  • Diversify the food and try out different brands and varieties
  • Store the food in a cool, dry and dark place

Furan is a heat-related contaminant that can be found in various foods. Furan has caused cancer and liver damage in animal studies, but the risk to dogs has not yet been determined. To reduce the intake of furan via dog food, dry food should be preferred or mixed with wet food or moist food, the food should be opened and stirred shortly before feeding, the feeding recommendations should be followed, the food should be varied and stored correctly.

Learn even more about Furan

If you notice any signs of hypersensitivity or poisoning in your dog, you should see your vet immediately. We are not a substitute for a vet, but we try to be as accurate as possible. Every dog reacts differently and we recommend you get a second opinion or consult your vet if in doubt.

Stay healthy and take good care of your four-legged friend!😊