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Barley marc

A representation of Barley marc

Barley pomace is a by-product of beer production, consisting of the residues of malted barley. It is often used as feed for farm animals, but it can also be a valuable ingredient for dogs. In this article, you will find out what barley pomace is, what benefits and disadvantages it has for dogs and how you can include it in your four-legged friend's diet.

What is barley pomace?

Barley pomace is what remains after mashing and refining malted barley. The starch and soluble components of the barley are dissolved in water and separated. The insoluble components, such as the husks, proteins and fiber, form the pomace. This is dried and processed into pellets or flour.

Barley pomace contains around 20-25% crude protein, 40-50% crude fiber, 2-3% fat and 10-15% water. It is also rich in vitamins, minerals and trace elements, such as vitamins B1, B2, B6, B12, folic acid, iron, zinc, copper and manganese. Barley pomace has a high proportion of beta-glucans, which can have a positive effect on the immune system, blood sugar levels and cholesterol levels.

What are the benefits of barley pomace for dogs?

Barley pomace can have various benefits for dogs, especially as a source of fiber and as a supplement to BARF (Biologically Appropriate Raw Food). Fiber is important for healthy digestion as it stimulates bowel movements, improves stool consistency and supports the intestinal flora. They can also increase the feeling of satiety and thus help with weight control.

Barley pomace can also be used in BARF to increase the vegetable content of the diet. As dogs cannot or will not eat fruit and vegetables, barley pomace can be a good alternative to provide them with important vitamins, minerals and trace elements. Barley pomace can also help to lower the pH value of the urine and thus prevent urinary stones.

What are the disadvantages of barley pomace for dogs?

Barley pomace also has some disadvantages for dogs that you should be aware of. Firstly, it can lead to digestive problems if it is fed in excessive quantities or if the dog is not used to it. The high fiber content can lead to flatulence, diarrhea or constipation. Barley pomace should therefore always be introduced slowly and only fed in small quantities.

On the other hand, barley pomace can trigger allergies or intolerances, especially in dogs with grain sensitivities. Although barley pomace does not contain gluten, it may still contain other allergens that can cause a reaction. You should therefore always check your dog's individual tolerance and consult a vet if there are any signs of itching, skin rashes or gastrointestinal complaints.

How do you feed barley pomace to dogs?

Barley pomace can be fed to dogs as a feed supplement, either as pellets or as meal. The pellets can be fed dry or soaked, the meal must be mixed with water. The recommended amount is around 1-2% of the dog's body weight per day. This corresponds to about 10-20 grams per kilogram of body weight.

Barley pomace should only ever be used as a supplement and not as the main food, as it does not contain all the nutrients a dog needs. It should also always be combined with high-quality meat, fish or eggs to ensure a balanced diet. Barley pomace can also be mixed with other plant-based ingredients, such as carrots, pumpkin or sweet potatoes, to increase dietary variety.


Barley pomace is a by-product of beer production, consisting of the residues of malted barley. It is rich in protein, fiber, vitamins, minerals and trace elements and can have various benefits for dogs. It can be used as a source of fiber and as a supplement in BARF to aid digestion, strengthen the immune system and prevent urinary stones.

However, barley pomace also has some disadvantages that should be considered. It can lead to digestive problems if it is fed in excessive quantities or if the dog cannot tolerate it. It can also trigger allergies or intolerances, especially in dogs with grain sensitivities. Barley pomace should therefore always be introduced slowly and only fed in small quantities.

Barley pomace can be fed to dogs as a feed supplement, either as pellets or as meal. The recommended amount is about 1-2% of the dog's body weight per day. Barley pomace should only ever be used as a supplement and not as the main food, as it does not contain all the nutrients a dog needs. It should also always be combined with high-quality meat, fish or eggs to ensure a balanced diet.

Learn even more about Barley marc

If you notice any signs of hypersensitivity or poisoning in your dog, you should see your vet immediately. We are not a substitute for a vet, but we try to be as accurate as possible. Every dog reacts differently and we recommend you get a second opinion or consult your vet if in doubt.

Stay healthy and take good care of your four-legged friend!😊

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