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(Omgeleid van Atropa belladonna)
Een weergave van Atropa belladonna

Atropine is a drug that is extracted from belladonna and has been used in medicine for centuries. It has a number of effects on the body, which can vary depending on the dose and application. In this article you will find out what atropine is, how it is used in dogs and what its advantages and disadvantages are.

What is atropine?

Atropine is one of the so-called anticholinergics, which means that it inhibits the effect of acetylcholine, a messenger substance in the nervous system. Acetylcholine is involved in many processes in the body, such as the regulation of heart rate, digestion, saliva formation and pupil width. Atropine blocks the receptors for acetylcholine and thus prevents its effect.

How is atropine used in dogs?

Atropine is used in dogs in two main situations: as an emergency medication for poisoning and as an anesthetic during surgery.

In cases of poisoning with substances that increase the acetylcholine effect, such as insecticides or fungi, atropine can be life-saving. It acts as an antidote and relieves symptoms such as cramps, salivation, vomiting and shortness of breath. In such cases, atropine is usually administered as an injection.

During operations, atropine is often used as a preparatory agent to increase the heart rate and reduce salivation. This facilitates the induction of anesthesia and reduces the risk of complications. In this case, atropine is usually injected together with other anesthetics or administered orally.

What are the benefits of atropine for dogs?

Atropine has several advantages for dogs that can benefit from its effects. Firstly, it can save lives in cases of poisoning with cholinergic substances by reversing the fatal symptoms. Secondly, it can make anesthesia safer by protecting the heart and reducing salivation.

What are the disadvantages of atropine for dogs?

However, atropine also has some disadvantages for dogs that can be affected by its effects. For one thing, it can cause side effects such as restlessness, agitation, dryness of the mucous membranes, constipation or urinary retention. Secondly, it can interact with other medications that also influence the acetylcholine effect. For this reason, atropine should only ever be used under veterinary supervision.


Atropine is a drug with a long history and a wide range of effects. It can be used in dogs both as an emergency medication and as an anesthetic. However, it also has some disadvantages and risks that need to be considered.

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Leer nog meer over Atropa belladonna

Als je tekenen van overgevoeligheid of vergiftiging bij je hond opmerkt, moet je onmiddellijk je dierenarts raadplegen. Wij zijn geen vervanging voor een dierenarts, maar we proberen zo nauwkeurig mogelijk te zijn. Elke hond reageert anders en we raden je aan een second opinion te vragen of je dierenarts te raadplegen als je twijfelt.

Blijf gezond en zorg goed voor uw trouwe viervoeter! 😊

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