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Source of phosphate

The term "source of phosphate" in an ingredient for dog food indicates that this ingredient contains significant amounts of phosphate. Phosphate, a form of phosphorus, is an essential mineral that plays a key role in various biological processes, including the formation of bones and teeth in dogs. It is also important for energy production and storage, the function of cell membranes and the regulation of acid-base balance in the body.

A balanced ratio of phosphate to calcium is crucial for maintaining your dog's health and well-being. Excessive or insufficient intake of phosphate can lead to health problems, including kidney disease or bone problems. Therefore, it's important to choose dog food that provides a balanced nutritional profile to support your dog's optimal health.

Ingredients that are often used as sources of phosphate in dog food include meat and fish products, bone meal and certain grains. When reading dog food labels, look for the ratio of calcium to phosphorus, which should ideally be somewhere between 1:1 and 2:1 to ensure your dog's health.


Can improve the absorption of nutrients Liquid Product from livestock Can support the immune system Supports digestion Source of calcium Source of phosphate Rich in essential substances Rich in minerals Can be eaten fresh Safe feeding Suitable for raw food
Buffalo broth
Food Animal product Giblet Product from livestock Supports digestion Can contribute to the promotion of intestinal health Natural probiotic Source of magnesium Source of phosphate Rich in essential substances Rich in proteins Safe feeding Suitable for raw food
Buffalo stomach
Long lasting Snack Animal product Meat Product from livestock Can support skin and coat health Source of calcium Source of phosphate Supports joint health Rich in minerals Safe feeding Suitable for raw food
Buffalo tail
Essential nutrient Promotes bone growth Common ingredient in dog food Helps with the formation of tooth substance Can improve the absorption of nutrients Mineral substance Source of calcium Source of phosphate Supports bone and tooth structure Important for the water and electrolyte balance Important for cell health Important for metabolic processes Food supplements
Calcium phosphate
Chemistry Food Source of calcium Source of magnesium Source of phosphate Supports bone and tooth structure Important for cell health Important for metabolic processes Food supplements Source of healthy unsaturated fats Rich in minerals
Calcium sodium magnesium phosphate
Can contribute to employment Snack Product from livestock Good for the teeth Source of calcium Source of phosphate Rich in fatty acids Suitable for raw food
Sternum bone