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Sternum bone

A representation of Sternum bone

You may have heard of sternum bones or seen other dog owners giving them to their four-legged friends. But what are sternum bones and are they really good for your dog? In this article, you'll find out everything you need to know about sternum bones.

What is sternum bone?

The sternum bone is part of the skeleton of cattle, sheep and goats. It is a long, flat bone that is located in the center of the ribcage and connects the ribs together. The sternum is often referred to as the meat bone because it is surrounded by meat. It is a popular chew for dogs as it is hard and tough and provides dogs with long periods of activity.

What are the benefits of sternum bone for dogs?

Sternum bone can offer your dog a number of benefits if you feed it correctly. For one, it can promote your dog's dental health by removing tartar and plaque and massaging the gums. Secondly, it can strengthen your dog's chewing muscles and give him a natural chewing pleasure. In addition, sternum can be a good source of calcium, phosphorus and other minerals that are important for bone formation and blood clotting.

What are the disadvantages of sternum bone for dogs?

Sternum bones are not without risk for your dog. On the one hand, injuries can occur in the mouth or digestive tract if your dog breaks off or swallows pieces that are too large or too sharp. On the other hand, an overdose of minerals can occur if your dog eats too much sternum bone or too often. This can lead to kidney problems or urinary stones. In addition, sternum bones can contain bacteria that can lead to diarrhea or infections.

How do I feed sternum bones correctly?

If you want to give your dog sternum bones, there are a few things you should bear in mind:

  • Choose a sternum bone that is large enough for your dog. It should be at least as long as your dog's head so that he can't put it all the way into his mouth.
  • Check the sternum bone for sharp edges or cracks and remove them if necessary.
  • Only give your dog the sternum bone under supervision and remove it if it becomes too small or too soft.
  • Only give your dog the sternum bone occasionally as a treat and not as a main meal. Make sure that you deduct the calories from the sternum bone from the normal food ration.
  • Store the sternum bone in a cool, dry place and dispose of it after three days at the latest.

Sternum bones can be a tasty and healthy snack for your dog if you feed them correctly. It can care for their teeth, train their muscles and improve their mineral supply. However, you should also be aware of the risks and watch your dog as it chews.

Learn even more about Sternum bone

If you notice any signs of hypersensitivity or poisoning in your dog, you should see your vet immediately. We are not a substitute for a vet, but we try to be as accurate as possible. Every dog reacts differently and we recommend you get a second opinion or consult your vet if in doubt.

Stay healthy and take good care of your four-legged friend!😊

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