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Source of magnesium

When an ingredient in dog food is referred to as a 'source of magnesium', this means that the ingredient in question contains a significant amount of magnesium. Magnesium is an essential mineral that is vital for many of your dog's bodily functions. It plays an important role in supporting muscle and nerve function, bone health, energy production and maintaining electrolyte balance.

For dogs, as for humans, adequate magnesium intake is necessary to prevent deficiencies and promote overall health. So if an ingredient is labeled as a source of magnesium, it will help meet your dog's nutritional needs.

Several ingredients can serve as good sources of magnesium, including certain vegetables, nuts, seeds and whole grains. When choosing dog food, it's important to look for a balanced composition of ingredients so that your dog gets all the necessary nutrients in the right amounts.


Low glycemic index Gluten free Can help regulate blood sugar levels Can support heart health Source of calcium Source of magnesium Rich in amino acids Rich in antioxidants Rich in fiber Rich in iron Rich in minerals Rich in proteins Can be eaten fresh Safe feeding Suitable for vegan diets Suitable for vegetarian diets
Amaranth porridge
Gluten free Can help regulate blood sugar levels Source of magnesium Plant Rich in amino acids Rich in antioxidants Rich in B vitamins Rich in fiber Rich in minerals Rich in proteins Safe feeding Suitable for vegan diets Suitable for vegetarian diets Tolerated in small quantities
Low glycemic index Gluten free Can help regulate blood sugar levels Can support heart health Source of magnesium Rich in antioxidants Rich in B vitamins Rich in fiber Rich in minerals Rich in proteins Can be eaten fresh Safe feeding Suitable for vegan diets Suitable for vegetarian diets Tolerated in small quantities
Buckwheat porridge
Food Animal product Giblet Product from livestock Supports digestion Can contribute to the promotion of intestinal health Natural probiotic Source of magnesium Source of phosphate Rich in essential substances Rich in proteins Safe feeding Suitable for raw food
Buffalo stomach
Chemistry Food Source of calcium Source of magnesium Source of phosphate Supports bone and tooth structure Important for cell health Important for metabolic processes Food supplements Source of healthy unsaturated fats Rich in minerals
Calcium sodium magnesium phosphate