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Potential source of danger

When an ingredient in dog food is referred to as a "potential source of danger", this means that this ingredient could be harmful or even dangerous for your dog under certain circumstances. There can be various reasons for this:

  1. Toxicity: some ingredients can be toxic to dogs, even if they are safe for humans. For example, chocolate and xylitol (a sweetener) are toxic to dogs.
  2. Allergies or intolerances: Some dogs may be allergic to certain ingredients or not tolerate them well. This can range from mild digestive problems to severe allergic reactions.
  3. Unsuitable composition: Certain nutrient ratios that are healthy for humans may be unsuitable for dogs. For example, dogs require a different ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.
  4. Health risks if the dosage is too high: Even ingredients that are generally safe can be problematic in excessive quantities. For example, an excessive intake of certain vitamins or minerals can lead to health problems.


Tree Garden plant Feeding toxic Potential source of danger
Fish & Seafood Product from wild animals May have anti-inflammatory properties Can support skin and coat health Rich in essential substances Low fat content Source of healthy unsaturated fats Rich in fatty acids Rich in amino acids Rich in minerals Rich in proteins Rich in vitamins Safe feeding Suitable for raw food May be suitable for diabetic diets Potential source of danger
By-product Food Good for the teeth Supports digestion Safe feeding Potential source of danger
Brewer's grains
Chemistry Colorants Artificial additive Can trigger hyperactivity in sensitive dogs Potential source of danger Potential allergy trigger Compatibility unknown
Brilliant black BN
Chemistry May interact with medications Feeding toxic Highly toxic Not suitable for consumption by dogs Potential source of danger
Bromine chloride
Chemistry Gas Highly toxic Potential source of danger
May interact with medications Plant Ornamental plant Feeding toxic Highly toxic Can cause cardiac arrhythmia Potential source of danger
Contains sugar Baked goods Processed food Candy Bad for the teeth Fat Rich in carbohydrates Not suitable for consumption by dogs Potential source of danger
Can contribute to employment Long lasting Food Animal product Product from livestock Product from wild animals Good for the teeth Rich in proteins Safe feeding Suitable for allergy-sensitive dogs Potential source of danger
Buffalo hide
Can contribute to employment Long lasting Animal product Product from livestock Product from wild animals Good for the teeth conditionally compatible Safe feeding Suitable for allergy-sensitive dogs Potential source of danger
Buffalo horn
May have antibacterial properties Chemistry Liquid May have antifungal properties May have anti-inflammatory properties Can help to support vascular health Potential source of danger
Chemistry Liquid Feeding toxic Feeding not recommended Highly toxic Potential source of danger
Butyl acrylate
Long lasting Chemistry Preservative Artificial additive Feeding not recommended Potential source of danger Potential allergy trigger
Chemistry Feeding toxic Feeding not recommended Highly toxic Potential source of danger Potential allergy trigger
Traditional use in phytotherapy Plant Garden plant Medicinal plant Herb Ornamental plant Not suitable for consumption by dogs Potential source of danger
Colored nettle
Plant Garden plant Medicinal plant Highly toxic Potential source of danger
Plant Feeding toxic Feeding not recommended Not suitable for consumption by dogs Potential source of danger
Cotton fiber
Plant Ornamental plant Not suitable for consumption by dogs Potential source of danger
Cotton plant
Plant Garden plant Ornamental plant Feeding toxic Potential source of danger Potential allergy trigger
Chemistry Artificial additive Potential source of danger
Ethyl acrylate
can have effects on the nervous system Plant Medicinal plant Feeding toxic Feeding not recommended Highly toxic Potential source of danger Potential allergy trigger
Field henbane
Chemistry Liquid Acid Medicine Naturopathy Topical application Feeding not recommended Feeding toxic Potential source of danger
Formic acid
Poison control Plant Medicinal plant Ornamental plant Feeding toxic Potential source of danger
Genuine Solomon seal
can have effects on the nervous system May interact with medications Traditional use in phytotherapy Plant Feeding toxic Highly toxic Can cause cardiac arrhythmia Not suitable for consumption by dogs Potential source of danger
Plant Garden plant Feeding toxic Potential source of danger
May have antibacterial properties Natural source of antioxidants Natural source of phytochemicals Aroma Antiseptic Can support the immune system Supports digestion May have anti-inflammatory properties Traditional use in phytotherapy Use in animal care Plant Spice plant Medicinal plant Herb Herbal sedative conditionally compatible Potential source of danger
Chemistry Artificial additive Baked goods Processed food Feeding not recommended Potential source of danger
Leavening agent
can have effects on the nervous system Traditional use in phytotherapy Plant Garden plant Medicinal plant Feeding toxic Feeding not recommended Highly toxic Potential source of danger
Plant Tree Garden plant Medicinal plant Herb Ornamental plant Feeding toxic Potential source of danger
Intended for human consumption Natural sweetener Feeding not recommended Potential source of danger
Maple syrup
Chemistry Artificial additive Feeding not recommended Highly toxic Can cause cancer Potential source of danger
Methyl acrylate
Chemistry Colorants Artificial additive May interact with medications Feeding toxic Can trigger hyperactivity in sensitive dogs Can cause cancer Can cause digestive problems Not suitable for consumption by dogs Potential source of danger Potential allergy trigger
Methyl violet