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Low protein content

When a dog food ingredient is described as "low protein", it means that it contains relatively little protein compared to other ingredients or food sources. Proteins are essential nutrients that help your dog build and maintain muscle, strengthen the immune system and support many vital functions in the body. Low protein can be beneficial for certain dogs, especially those with certain health conditions such as kidney disease, where a lower protein load is recommended to put less strain on the kidneys. It's important to know your dog's specific nutritional needs and choose accordingly to ensure they are getting all the necessary nutrients in the right amounts.


Low protein content Low glycemic index Gluten free Flour Supports digestion Rich in antioxidants Rich in fiber Rich in vitamins Suitable for allergy-sensitive dogs Suitable for vegan diets Suitable for vegetarian diets
Apple flour
Low protein content Low glycemic index Gluten free Supports digestion Rich in antioxidants Rich in fiber Rich in vitamins Suitable for allergy-sensitive dogs Suitable for vegan diets Suitable for vegetarian diets
Apple powder
Low protein content Common ingredient in dog food Long lasting By-product Flavor enhancer Product from livestock Can have a negative effect on cholesterol levels Can support skin and coat health Fat Source of saturated fats Rich in energy Rich in fatty acids Tolerated in small quantities Potential source of danger
Beef fat
Low protein content Contains sugar Baked goods Can help with weight gain Rich in carbohydrates Rich in strength Tolerated in small quantities
Blueberry pie
Low calorie content Low protein content Common ingredient in dog food Food Vegetable Beneficial for visual function Good for the teeth Can help regulate blood sugar levels Supports digestion Plant Low fat content Rich in antioxidants Rich in fiber Rich in vitamins Can be eaten fresh Safe feeding Suitable for allergy-sensitive dogs Suitable for raw food Suitable for vegan diets Suitable for vegetarian diets
Low protein content Contains sugar Baked goods Can help with weight gain Rich in carbohydrates Rich in strength Tolerated in small quantities
Pear bag
Low protein content Intended for human consumption Natural sweetener Processed food Candy Can help regulate blood sugar levels Supports digestion Rich in fiber Rich in energy Rich in fructose Rich in vitamins Rich in water / moisture Can be eaten fresh Suitable for vegan diets Suitable for vegetarian diets
Pear compote
Low protein content Contains sugar Baked goods Can help with weight gain Rich in carbohydrates Rich in strength Feeding not recommended Tolerated in small quantities
Pear tart