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When an ingredient for dog food is referred to as "flour", it means that this ingredient is made from ground grain or other plant products. Flour is made by grinding grains such as wheat, corn, barley, rice or even non-cereal sources such as peas or potatoes.

In dog food, flour is often used as a binder, filler or carbohydrate source. It can help to improve the consistency of the food and make it suitable for making into shapes such as kibbles or cookies.

It is important to note that some dogs may be allergic to certain types of flour, especially those made from wheat. Therefore, you should pay attention to your dog's specific needs and possible allergies when choosing dog food. If your dog is sensitive to certain ingredients, it can be helpful to choose foods with alternative types of flour or to use a food that does not contain any grain at all.


Exotic Food Flour conditionally compatible Tolerated in small quantities
Alfalfa flour
Low protein content Low glycemic index Gluten free Flour Supports digestion Rich in antioxidants Rich in fiber Rich in vitamins Suitable for allergy-sensitive dogs Suitable for vegan diets Suitable for vegetarian diets
Apple flour
Intended for human consumption Superfood Contains grains Baked goods Flour Food supplements Safe feeding Tolerated in small quantities
Banana flour