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A representation of Stones

Dogs have a natural instinct to explore and eat things, but unfortunately this can sometimes lead to dangerous situations. One of the things dogs love to eat is rocks. But is it dangerous for dogs to eat stones?

For many dogs, stones are more than just boring objects. They can be used as toys, chews or even food. But how healthy or dangerous are stones for your dog? In this article, you will find out more about the possible consequences of stone consumption and how you can help your dog if he eats or chews on stones.

Why do dogs eat or chew stones?

There are various reasons why dogs eat or chew stones. Some of them are:

  • Boredom: If your dog doesn't have enough activity or exercise, he may start to occupy himself with whatever he can find. Stones are often readily available and provide some challenge for your dog.
  • Stress: If your dog is suffering from stress, he may try to calm down by chewing. Stones can serve as an outlet to relieve the tension.
  • Deficiency: If your dog is not getting enough nutrients or fluids, he may try to replace them with stones. This can be a sign of illness or malnutrition.
  • Habit: If your dog ate or chewed stones as a puppy, he may continue to do so as an adult. This can become a kind of compulsive behavior that is difficult to break.

What are the risks for dogs that eat or chew stones?

Stones are not only unnecessary for dogs, but also potentially dangerous. They can cause various problems, such as

  • Dental injuries: Stones are hard and can wear down, chip or even break your dog's teeth. This can lead to pain, infection or tooth loss.
  • Gastrointestinal injuries: Stones can irritate, injure or even perforate your dog's stomach or intestines. This can lead to bleeding, inflammation or a life-threatening intestinal blockage.
  • Poisoning: Stones can contain toxic substances that can harm your dog. For example, some stones may contain heavy metals, salts or chemicals that can lead to symptoms of poisoning.

How can you help your dog if he eats or chews stones?

If you notice that your dog is eating or chewing stones, you should first try to find out the cause. You should also take your dog to a vet to rule out or treat any potential health problems. You can also take the following measures to stop your dog from eating or chewing stones:

  • Provide your dog with plenty of activity and exercise. For example, you can offer him various toys, chew toys or intelligence games that challenge him mentally and physically and are fun for him.
  • Avoid stressful situations for your dog. You should make sure that your dog feels comfortable and safe and is not afraid or frustrated. For example, you can offer him a quiet retreat where he can relax.
  • Make sure your dog has a balanced diet and is well hydrated. You should make sure that your dog gets high-quality food that meets his needs. You should also always provide him with fresh water.
  • Prevent access to stones for your dog. You should make sure that your dog does not find or ingest stones in its environment. For example, you can keep the garden free of stones or keep your dog on a lead when you take him for a walk.

Stones are not suitable toys or food for dogs. They can cause serious damage to your dog's health and well-being. If you want to stop your dog from eating or chewing stones, you should offer him a species-appropriate alternative and fulfill his needs. This way you can give your dog a happy and healthy life.

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Learn even more about Stones

If you notice any signs of hypersensitivity or poisoning in your dog, you should see your vet immediately. We are not a substitute for a vet, but we try to be as accurate as possible. Every dog reacts differently and we recommend you get a second opinion or consult your vet if in doubt.

Stay healthy and take good care of your four-legged friend!😊