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Rice malt

A representation of Rice malt

Rice malt is a natural sweetener made from rice, barley and water. It has a dark brown color and a malty taste. Rice malt is often used to sweeten food as it has a low glycemic index and does not cause blood sugar levels to rise as quickly as other types of sugar. But is rice malt also suitable for dogs? In this article, you will find out what rice malt is, how it is produced and what advantages and disadvantages it has for your dog.

What is rice malt?

Rice malt is a product made by germinating rice and barley. The long-chain carbohydrates in the grain are converted into shorter-chain carbohydrates by enzymes. These are then boiled down to form a thick syrup. Rice malt mainly contains maltose, a disaccharide consisting of two glucose molecules. Maltose is less sweet than glucose or fructose, but sweeter than lactose or sucrose.

Rice malt is often used in Asian cuisine to give dishes a natural sweetness and malty flavor. It is suitable for salads, desserts or sauces, for example. Rice malt is also an ingredient in amazake, a traditional Japanese drink made from fermented rice.

How is rice malt produced?

Rice malt is produced in several steps:

  • First, whole rice is washed and soaked until it is soft.
  • The rice is then mixed with germinated barley, which serves as a starter culture. The barley contains enzymes that convert the starch in the rice into sugar.
  • The mixture is stored in a warm and humid room until the rice begins to germinate. This can take several days.
  • The germinated rice is then dried and milled to obtain a fine flour.
  • The flour is mixed with water and heated, stirring constantly, until it becomes a porridge.
  • The pulp is then filtered to remove the solid components.
  • The remaining syrup is boiled down further until it has the desired consistency and color.
  • The finished rice malt is filled into jars and stored in a cool place.

What are the benefits of rice malt for dogs?

Rice malt has several benefits for dogs that can make it a good alternative to other sweeteners:

  • Rice malt has a low glycemic index, which means it doesn't cause blood sugar levels to rise as quickly as other sugars. This can be beneficial for dogs with diabetes or obesity, as they need less insulin and stay full for longer.
  • Rice malt does not contain fructose, which can cause digestive problems or gout in some dogs. Fructose is a simple sugar found in many types of fruit, honey or corn syrup. It can promote the formation of uric acid, which can be deposited in the joints and cause pain.
  • Rice malt is gluten-free, which means that it does not contain gluten, which can cause allergies or intolerances in some dogs. Gluten is a protein found in many types of grain such as wheat, rye and barley. It can cause skin rashes, itching or diarrhea in sensitive dogs.
  • Rice malt is a natural product that contains no artificial additives or preservatives. It is therefore gentler on the body and the environment than synthetic sweeteners such as aspartame or saccharin.

What are the disadvantages of rice malt for dogs?

Rice malt also has some disadvantages for dogs that should be considered before feeding it:

  • Rice malt is still a sugar, which can be harmful to health in large quantities. It can contribute to tooth decay, obesity or diabetes if given too often or too much. Sugar should therefore only be used in moderation and as an occasional treat.
  • Rice malt contains barley, which can cause allergies or intolerances in some dogs. Barley is a grain that contains gluten, which can cause skin rashes, itching or diarrhea in sensitive dogs. Even though the amount of barley in rice malt is low, you should be careful if your dog has a known gluten allergy.
  • Rice malt has a high calorie content, which can lead to obesity if the dog has an unbalanced diet. A portion of 100 grams of rice malt has about 316 kilocalories, which corresponds to almost a quarter of the daily energy requirement of a medium-sized dog. You should therefore adjust the amount of rice malt to the size, age and activity of the dog and reduce other food ingredients if necessary.

Rice malt is a natural sweetener made from rice, barley and water. It has a low glycemic index, contains no fructose and is gluten-free. It can therefore be suitable for dogs with diabetes, gout or gluten allergies. However, rice malt should only be used in small amounts and as an occasional treat, as it is still a sugar that can contribute to tooth decay, obesity or diabetes. You should also be aware of possible allergies or intolerances to barley. Rice malt is not a substitute for a balanced and species-appropriate diet, but only a supplement.

Learn even more about Rice malt

If you notice any signs of hypersensitivity or poisoning in your dog, you should see your vet immediately. We are not a substitute for a vet, but we try to be as accurate as possible. Every dog reacts differently and we recommend you get a second opinion or consult your vet if in doubt.

Stay healthy and take good care of your four-legged friend!😊