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Watermelon is a delicious fruit that provides a pleasant cooling sensation, especially in summer. But can you share this treat with your dog? Is watermelon safe or even healthy for dogs? Find out everything you need to know about watermelon for dogs in this article.

What is watermelon?

Watermelon is a type of plant from the gourd family that originally comes from Africa. The fruit has a thick, green rind and juicy, red flesh with black or white seeds. Watermelon consists of around 92 percent water and has a sweet taste.

What nutrients does watermelon contain?

Watermelon is rich in various nutrients that are not only good for humans, but also for dogs. Watermelon is an excellent source of:

  • Potassium: a mineral that is important for nerve, muscle and heart function.
  • Vitamin C: An antioxidant that strengthens the immune system and prevents cell damage.
  • Vitamin A: A vitamin that is important for the health of the skin, coat and eyes.
  • Vitamin B6: A vitamin involved in the formation of red blood cells and the metabolism of proteins.
  • Dietary fiber: Vegetable components that aid digestion and regulate blood sugar levels.

Watermelon also contains no sodium, fat or cholesterol and has only about 30 calories per 100 grams.

What are the benefits of watermelon for dogs?

Watermelon can have several benefits for dogs, especially as a snack on hot days. Watermelon can help your dog:

  • Stay hydrated: Due to its high water content, watermelon can help your dog stay hydrated and avoid heat stroke.
  • Cool down: Due to its cooling effect, watermelon can provide your dog with a pleasant refreshment and make panting easier.
  • To indulge: Due to its sweet flavor, watermelon can be a tasty treat for your dog to enjoy.

What are the disadvantages of watermelon for dogs?

Although watermelon is generally well tolerated by dogs, there are also some disadvantages or risks that you should be aware of. Watermelon can harm your dog if:

  • He eats too much of it: As with any fruit, the same applies here: The quantity makes the poison. Too much watermelon can lead to an upset stomach, which can result in vomiting or diarrhea. Too much sugar can also contribute to obesity or diabetes.
  • Eating the seeds or the rind: The seeds can lead to an intestinal blockage, which can be very painful and life-threatening. The skin can also be difficult to digest and cause gastrointestinal problems. Both parts of the fruit should therefore be removed before you give your dog watermelon.
  • He is allergic to it: As with any new food, you should only feed your dog small amounts at first and observe his reaction. Some dogs can have an allergic reaction to watermelon and show symptoms such as itching, skin rash or difficulty breathing.

How to feed watermelon correctly?

If you want to give your dog watermelon as a snack, you should follow some tips to give him a safe and healthy experience. Here are some recommendations on how to feed watermelon properly:

  • Remove the seeds and rind: Cut the watermelon into small pieces and remove all the seeds and rind. This avoids the risk of an intestinal blockage or stomach upset.
  • Only feed small amounts: Only give your dog a few pieces of watermelon as a snack and not as a main meal. This way you avoid an overdose of sugar or fiber, which can lead to health problems.
  • Keepthe watermelon cool: Store the watermelon in the fridge or cellar to keep it cool. This way you can offer your dog an even more pleasant refreshment that will help him to cope better with the heat.
  • Be creative: You can also puree the watermelon and freeze it in ice cube molds to offer your dog homemade water ice. Or you can mix the watermelon with other types of fruit such as banana or strawberry to give your dog more variety.

Watermelon is a healthy and tasty snack for dogs, which is especially good for them in summer. However, you should make sure that you only feed the red flesh without the seeds or peel and that you limit the amount. This way you can offer your dog a safe and healthy snack that they will enjoy.

Learn even more about Pasteke

If you notice any signs of hypersensitivity or poisoning in your dog, you should see your vet immediately. We are not a substitute for a vet, but we try to be as accurate as possible. Every dog reacts differently and we recommend you get a second opinion or consult your vet if in doubt.

Stay healthy and take good care of your four-legged friend!😊