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Olomouc Quargel

A representation of Olomouc Quargel

Do you love cheese and want to share it with your dog? Then you may have heard of Olmützer Quargel. This sour milk cheese from the Czech Republic has a long tradition and an unmistakable taste. But is it also good for your four-legged friend? In this article, you can find out more about this special cheese and its advantages and disadvantages for dogs.

What is Olomouc curd cheese?

Olmützer Quargel (Czech: Olomoucké tvarůžky) is a sour milk cheese with red smear, which is said to have been produced in the area around the Moravian town of Olmütz (Olomouc) as early as the 15th century. It is the only cheese developed in the Czech Republic and has a protected designation of origin in the EU.

The cheese is made from skimmed milk to which lactic acid bacteria are added. The resulting soured milk is drained, salted and formed into small loaves. These are then matured for several weeks in high humidity, forming a reddish smear on the surface.

Olmützer Quargel has a very intense smell and taste, reminiscent of Limburger or Harz cheese. It is soft, creamy and slightly crumbly in consistency. It is often eaten with bread or potatoes or served baked.

What are the benefits of Olmützer Quargel for dogs?

  • Cheese contains many nutrients such as protein, calcium, phosphorus and vitamin A, which are important for dogs' health. It can also be used as a treat or reward to support training or education.
  • Olmützer Quargel has the advantage that it is made from skimmed milk and therefore contains less fat than other cheeses. This can be good for dogs that are overweight or prone to pancreatitis.
  • Olmützer Quargel also has a high concentration of lactic acid bacteria, which can have a positive effect on the intestinal flora of dogs. These bacteria can help to strengthen the immune system and prevent infections.

What are the disadvantages of Olmützer Quargel for dogs?

  • As with any food, the same applies to cheese: the quantity makes the poison. Too much cheese can lead to digestive problems such as diarrhea or flatulence or trigger allergies.
  • Olmützer Quargel has a very high salt content (up to 4 %), which can be harmful for dogs with kidney or heart problems. In addition, the strong smell of the cheese can be unpleasant for humans or other animals in the household.
  • It should also be noted that not every dog likes or tolerates the taste of Olmützer Quargel. Some dogs may spit out or reject the cheese.

How much Olomouc Quargel can my dog eat?

If you want to give your dog Olomouc Quargel, there are a few things you should bear in mind:

  • Only give him small amounts (maximum 10 g per day) as a treat or addition to his food.
  • Make sure your dog drinks enough water.
  • Monitor his bowel movements and behavior. If you notice any signs of intolerance or allergy, you should stop the cheese immediately.

Find out about the origin and quality of the cheese. Avoid cheese from mass production or with additives. Buy regional or organic cheese instead.

Try out different types of cheese and find out which ones your dog likes or tolerates. Not every dog has the same taste or digestion.


Olmützer Quargel is a special cheese that can be a tasty change for some dogs. It contains many nutrients and lactic acid bacteria that are good for their health. However, it should only be fed in small quantities as it contains a lot of salt and can lead to digestive problems. It is also not suitable or palatable for every dog.

If you want to give your dog Olmützer Quargel, you should inform yourself beforehand and try it out carefully. Pay attention to your dog's reaction and respect his preferences.

Learn even more about Olomouc Quargel

If you notice any signs of hypersensitivity or poisoning in your dog, you should see your vet immediately. We are not a substitute for a vet, but we try to be as accurate as possible. Every dog reacts differently and we recommend you get a second opinion or consult your vet if in doubt.

Stay healthy and take good care of your four-legged friend!😊

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