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Horn fertilizer

(Redirected from Horn shavings)
A representation of Horn shavings

Horn manure is a popular organic fertilizer made from the hooves and horns of slaughtered animals. It contains a lot of nitrogen, which is important for plant growth. But how is horn fertilizer compatible with dogs? Is it toxic or harmless? In this article you will learn everything you need to know about horn fertilizer in relation to dogs.

What is horn fertilizer?

Horn fertilizer is an organic fertilizer obtained from the hooves and horns of slaughtered animals, usually cattle. These are crushed and called horn shavings, horn meal or horn shot, depending on the grain size. Horn fertilizer is rich in nitrogen, which is essential for plant growth. It is mainly used in vegetable and fruit gardens, but also for ornamental plants.

Horn fertilizer has a slow and long-lasting effect, as it must first be decomposed by microorganisms in the soil before the nitrogen is released. This has the advantage that over-fertilization or burning of the plant roots is avoided. Horn fertilizer also promotes soil fertility and humus formation.

What are the advantages of horn fertilizer for dogs?

Horn fertilizer is generally non-toxic for dogs. This means that if your dog eats a few crumbs of it, you don't have to worry. On the contrary: horn fertilizer can even have a positive effect on your dog's health. This is because it contains a lot of protein, which is important for muscle building and cell regeneration.

Horn fertilizer can also strengthen your dog's immune system as it contains trace elements such as iron, zinc and copper. These are important for blood formation and defense against pathogens. Horn fertilizer can therefore serve as a kind of dietary supplement for your dog.

What are the disadvantages of horn fertilizer for dogs?

Horn fertilizer is not toxic for dogs, but it can still have some disadvantages. For one thing, it can lead to digestive problems if your dog eats too much of it. This is because horn fertilizer is difficult to digest and can lead to flatulence, diarrhoea or constipation.

On the other hand, horn fertilizer can lead to an overdose of nitrogen if your dog eats it regularly. Although nitrogen is important for plant growth, it is harmful to the body in excessive quantities. An overdose of nitrogen can lead to symptoms such as loss of appetite, weight loss, vomiting or kidney failure.

Horn fertilizer can also be a source of danger for your dog if it is mixed with other substances. This is because some organic fertilizers contain castor bean meal, which is obtained from the seeds of the miracle tree. This substance is highly toxic and can lead to severe poisoning in dogs with a fatal outcome.

How can you use horn fertilizer safely?

If you want to use horn fertilizer in your garden, you should take some precautions to protect your dog. Here are some tips:

  • Only use pure horn shavings or horn meal without additives such as castor meal.
  • Only buy branded fertilizers from trusted manufacturers.
  • Stick to the recommended dosage and spread the fertilizer evenly over the soil.
  • Work the fertilizer well into the soil or cover it with mulch or soil so that your dog cannot see or smell it.
  • Keep your dog away from the fertilized bed until the fertilizer has completely broken down.
  • Watch your dog for signs of poisoning or overdose and if in doubt, consult a vet.

Horn fertilizer is a natural and plant-friendly fertilizer that contains a lot of nitrogen. It is not toxic to dogs, but can lead to digestive problems or an overdose of nitrogen if your dog eats too much of it. It can also be mixed with other toxic substances that are life-threatening to dogs. Therefore, if you want to use horn fertilizer in your garden, you should take some precautions to protect your dog. This way you can keep your garden and your dog healthy and happy.

Learn even more about Horn shavings

If you notice any signs of hypersensitivity or poisoning in your dog, you should see your vet immediately. We are not a substitute for a vet, but we try to be as accurate as possible. Every dog reacts differently and we recommend you get a second opinion or consult your vet if in doubt.

Stay healthy and take good care of your four-legged friend!😊

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