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Bone meal

A representation of Bone meal

You may have heard of bone meal or even fed it to your dog. But what is bone meal and what does it actually do for dogs? In this article, you'll find out everything you need to know about this ingredient.

What is bone meal?

Bone meal is a powder made from crushed animal bones. It can come from different animal species, for example cattle, pigs or poultry. Bone meal contains a lot of calcium and phosphorus, which are important for bone formation and tooth development. It also provides other minerals and trace elements that are beneficial for the dog's health.

What are the benefits of bone meal for dogs?

Bone meal can provide various benefits for your dog, depending on how you use it. Firstly, it can serve as a nutritional supplement when you feed your dog cooked or raw food. This ensures that your dog gets enough calcium and phosphorus, which he would otherwise get from ready-made food. You can also use bone meal as a natural fertilizer for your garden. If you sprinkle the powder on the soil, you can provide the plants with the minerals contained in the bone meal.

What are the disadvantages of bone meal?

Bone meal is not without risk for your dog. For one thing, you have to make sure you give the right amount. Too much bone meal can lead to an oversupply of calcium and phosphorus, which can cause health problems such as kidney stones or joint problems. Secondly, attention must be paid to the quality of the bone meal. Not every product is suitable for human consumption. Some bone meal can be contaminated with heavy metals or other harmful substances that can harm your dog. Therefore, always pay attention to the country of origin and the quality seal of the product.


Bone meal is a natural ingredient that can bring many benefits to your dog if you use it correctly. It can help your dog to have strong bones and teeth and fertilize your plants in the garden. However, you must also be aware of the possible disadvantages and stick to the recommended dosage. In addition, you should always pay attention to the quality of the bone meal and only buy products that are suitable for human consumption.

Learn even more about Bone meal

If you notice any signs of hypersensitivity or poisoning in your dog, you should see your vet immediately. We are not a substitute for a vet, but we try to be as accurate as possible. Every dog reacts differently and we recommend you get a second opinion or consult your vet if in doubt.

Stay healthy and take good care of your four-legged friend!😊

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