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Goutweed leaves

A representation of Goutweed leaves

Goutweed leaves are a native weed that is often regarded as a weed. But did you know that goutweed leaves can also have many benefits for dogs? In this article, you'll find out everything you need to know about goutweed leaves for dogs: what goutweed leaves are, how to recognize them, how to feed them and what effects they have on your dog's health.

What are goutweed leaves?

Goutweed leaves are a plant from the umbellifer family that flowers between May and September. The leaves are tripartite and pinnate, the stem is triangular. The small white flowers smell of carrot and parsley. Goutweed grows mainly in shady and damp places, such as in the forest or in the garden. It is very robust and spreads quickly.

How can you recognize goutweed leaves?

Goutweed leaves can be recognized by their characteristic leaves and flowers. The leaves are tripartite and pinnate, the stem is triangular. The small white flowers smell of carrot and parsley. Caution: Goutweed leaves can easily be confused with poisonous plants such as meadow hogweed or hemlock. You should therefore only pick goutweed leaves if you know your way around or get help. If you are unsure, you can also buy dried goutweed leaves and add them to the food.

How do you feed goutweed leaves?

Goutweed leaves can be fed fresh or dried. Fresh goutweed leaves should be washed and chopped or pureed beforehand so that the ingredients can be better absorbed. Dried goutweed leaves should be soaked briefly in water and then added to the food. The amount depends on the size and weight of the dog, but as a guideline you can take about a handful per day.

What effects do goutweed leaves have on a dog's health?

Goutweed leaves have many positive effects on a dog's health. It is rich in vitamins, minerals and trace elements that strengthen the immune system and protect the cells. It has a diuretic, draining and deacidifying effect, which can help with rheumatism, gout and urinary tract infections. It stimulates the appetite and digestion and helps against flatulence. It inhibits inflammation and can be used for skin problems or wounds.


Goutweed leaves are a native weed that is often regarded as a weed. However, it has many benefits for dogs: It is rich in vitamins, minerals and trace elements, it has a diuretic, draining and deacidifying effect, it stimulates appetite and digestion, it inhibits inflammation and can be used for skin problems or wounds. You can feed goutweed leaves fresh or dried, but make sure that you recognize it safely or buy it dried.

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Learn even more about Goutweed leaves

If you notice any signs of hypersensitivity or poisoning in your dog, you should see your vet immediately. We are not a substitute for a vet, but we try to be as accurate as possible. Every dog reacts differently and we recommend you get a second opinion or consult your vet if in doubt.

Stay healthy and take good care of your four-legged friend!😊

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