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A representation of Garden spinach

Spinach is a green leafy vegetable that many people like to eat. But what about dogs? Can dogs eat spinach? And if so, how much and in what form? In this article, you'll find out what spinach is, what benefits and disadvantages it has for dogs and how to prepare it correctly.

What is spinach?

Spinach is a plant from the goosefoot family that originally comes from Asia. It has been cultivated and eaten as a vegetable for centuries. Spinach has large, dark green leaves that are rich in water, fiber, vitamins and minerals. Spinach is particularly well known for its high iron content, which is important for blood formation. Spinach comes in different varieties, such as leaf spinach, winter spinach or baby spinach.

What are the benefits of spinach for dogs?

Spinach can be a good nutritional supplement for dogs if it is fed in moderate quantities. Spinach provides your dog with many nutrients that he needs for his health, such as:

  • Vitamin A, which is good for the eyes, skin and immune system
  • Vitamin C, which strengthens the immune system and promotes wound healing
  • Vitamin K, which supports blood clotting
  • Folic acid, which is important for cell division
  • Potassium, which regulates blood pressure and improves nerve function
  • Magnesium, which relaxes the muscles and strengthens the bones
  • Iron, which improves the oxygen supply to the blood

Spinach can therefore help your dog to stay fit and healthy if it is served as an occasional addition to their bowl.

What are the disadvantages of spinach for dogs?

Spinach is not suitable for all dogs. Excessive amounts can lead to digestive problems or even poisoning. This is because spinach contains oxalic acid, a substance that inhibits the absorption of calcium and promotes the formation of kidney stones. Oxalic acid can also irritate the mucous membranes and lead to inflammation.

Dogs with kidney problems or puppies should therefore not eat spinach. Dogs taking medication that affects blood clotting should also avoid spinach, as it can weaken the effect.

How do I prepare spinach for dogs?

If you want to give your dog spinach, there are a few things you should keep in mind to get the best out of the vegetable. Here are some tips:

  • Buy fresh spinach that is not wilted or discolored. Avoid canned or creamed spinach as it contains too much salt or fat.
  • Wash the spinach thoroughly to remove any dirt or pesticides.
  • Steam or blanch the spinach briefly to reduce the oxalic acid and preserve the nutrients. Do not add salt or spices.
  • Puree the spinach to make it easier for your dog to digest. You can also mix it with a little water or broth to make it juicier.
  • Only give your dog a small amount of spinach, about one teaspoon per 10 kg of body weight. Don't overdo it, as too much spinach can lead to diarrhea or bloating.
  • Keep the remaining spinach in the fridge and feed it within two days. You can also freeze it and defrost it when needed.

Spinach is not poison for dogs, but a healthy vegetable that has many benefits for your four-legged friend's diet and well-being. However, you should only offer spinach in moderation and in the right form to avoid possible disadvantages.

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Rich in fiber Rich in minerals Rich in vitamins Vegetable Tolerated in small quantities
Learn even more about Garden spinach

If you notice any signs of hypersensitivity or poisoning in your dog, you should see your vet immediately. We are not a substitute for a vet, but we try to be as accurate as possible. Every dog reacts differently and we recommend you get a second opinion or consult your vet if in doubt.

Stay healthy and take good care of your four-legged friend!😊

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