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A representation of Etorki

Do you love cheese and want to share it with your dog? Then you may have heard of Etorki, a French sheep's milk cheese from the Basque Country. But is Etorki really suitable for dogs? And what are its advantages and disadvantages? In this article, you'll find out everything you need to know about Etorki in relation to dogs.

What is Etorki?

Etorki is a semi-soft semi-hard cheese made from pasteurized sheep's milk, which is produced in the French part of the Basque Country. The name means "origin" in Basque and refers to the long tradition of sheep's cheese production in this region. Etorki has an ivory-colored rind and a creamy paste with small holes. Its taste is mild, nutty and slightly sweet.

What are the benefits of Etorki for dogs?

Cheese is generally a good source of protein, calcium and other nutrients for dogs. Sheep's milk cheese such as Etorki has the advantage that it is often better tolerated than cow's milk cheese as it contains less lactose. Lactose is the milk sugar that can cause digestive problems in some dogs. Sheep's milk cheese also has a higher fat content than cow's milk cheese, which can be beneficial for dogs with high energy requirements or dry skin.

What are the disadvantages of Etorki for dogs?

As with all cheeses, Etorki should only be fed in moderation. Too much cheese can lead to obesity, bloating and diarrhea. Etorki is also a salty cheese that can increase a dog's thirst and blood pressure. This can be particularly problematic for dogs with kidney or heart problems. You should therefore always offer your dog plenty of water when you give him Etorki.

How do I feed my dog Etorki?

Etorki is best used as an occasional treat or as an ingredient in dog food. You can give your dog small pieces or slices of Etorki or sprinkle them over their food. Make sure you remove the bark as it is hard and indigestible. You should also make sure that you don't give your dog old or moldy cheese, as this can be harmful to their health.


Etorki is a delicious sheep's cheese from the Basque Country that is also suitable for dogs. It has some advantages such as a high protein and fat content and good digestibility. But it also has some disadvantages, such as a high salt and calorie content. It should therefore only be fed in moderation and you should always pay attention to your dog's reaction.

Learn even more about Etorki

If you notice any signs of hypersensitivity or poisoning in your dog, you should see your vet immediately. We are not a substitute for a vet, but we try to be as accurate as possible. Every dog reacts differently and we recommend you get a second opinion or consult your vet if in doubt.

Stay healthy and take good care of your four-legged friend!😊

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