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Tomme de Savoie

Among the many delicacies that enrich our food culture, cheese occupies a special place. Tomme de Savoie, a French cheese from the Alps, is an example of such a culinary delicacy that makes connoisseurs' hearts beat faster. But while we humans enjoy the many flavors of cheeses like Tomme de Savoie, the question is how safe or beneficial they are for our dogs. This article will take you on a journey of discovery through the world of Tomme de Savoie, highlighting its properties and detailing the pros and cons of feeding it to dogs.

What is Tomme de Savoie?

Tomme de Savoie is a semi-soft cheese that originated in the picturesque Savoy region in the French Alps. It is mainly made from raw or pasteurized cow's milk and is known for its grey to brown rind, which may show natural mould growth. The cheese itself has an ivory to yellowish color and a slightly grainy texture, with a mild, slightly nutty flavor that is influenced by the cows' diet and specific production methods.

Tomme de Savoie and dogs: a complex relationship


Source of protein

Like most cheeses, Tomme de Savoie is a good source of protein that can help build and maintain muscle in dogs. Protein is an essential part of a dog's diet and contributes to health and general well-being.

Flavorful variety

For dogs that are used to special diets or monotonous feeding plans, Tomme de Savoie can offer a welcome change of taste. In small quantities, it can be used as a reward or to administer medication.


Lactose intolerance

Many dogs are lactose intolerant, which means that they cannot digest milk sugar (lactose) effectively. While the ripening process of a cheese such as Tomme de Savoie results in much of the lactose being broken down, the remaining lactose can cause gastrointestinal discomfort in some dogs.

Fat content and calories

Tomme de Savoie, like many cheeses, can have a high fat content. Too much fat in a dog's diet can lead to obesity and associated health problems such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Cheese also provides a lot of calories, which can quickly contribute to excessive calorie intake.

Risk of mold and bacteria

The rind of Tomme de Savoie may contain natural molds. Although these are generally harmless to humans, certain types of mold can be toxic to dogs. In addition, raw milk carries a risk of transmitting harmful bacteria.


While Tomme de Savoie is an exquisite treat for humans, caution is advised when feeding it to dogs. The potential benefits, such as providing protein and flavor variety, are overshadowed by the risks of lactose intolerance, high fat content and the possible presence of mold and bacteria. If you still want to treat your dog to a piece of cheese, you should do so in very small quantities, remove the rind and make sure that the cheese is well tolerated. Ultimately, it is always advisable to play it safe with your dog's diet and seek professional advice if in doubt.

Learn even more about Tomme de Savoie

If you notice any signs of hypersensitivity or poisoning in your dog, you should see your vet immediately. We are not a substitute for a vet, but we try to be as accurate as possible. Every dog reacts differently and we recommend you get a second opinion or consult your vet if in doubt.

Stay healthy and take good care of your four-legged friend!😊