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A representation of Essences

Essences are liquid extracts from plants that are said to have a specific effect on the body or psyche of humans and animals. They are usually taken orally or applied to the skin. There are different types of essences, such as Bach flowers, essential oils or herbal essences.

Bach flowers for dogs

Bach flowers are named after the doctor Edward Bach, who developed 38 different flower essences, each of which is associated with a negative emotional state. Bach flowers are said to strengthen the balance between the soul and personality and thus also heal illnesses and promote health.

Bach flowers are often used for behavioral disorders, anxiety or stress. For example, they can help if

  • your dog is aggressive or irritable
  • your dog has separation anxiety or is afraid of loud noises
  • your dog is nervous before the vet or long car journeys

The Bach flowers are either dripped directly into the mouth, mixed into the drinking water or sprayed onto the skin. The dosage depends on the size and weight of the dog, but usually 2 to 4 drops per flower essence are recommended.

Advantages of Bach flower remedies for dogs

  • They are natural and have no side effects
  • They are easy to use and can be combined with other therapies
  • They can be individually tailored to the dog

Disadvantages of Bach flower remedies for dogs

  • They have no scientifically proven effect
  • They cannot be used as a substitute for veterinary treatment
  • They can be expensive

Essential oils for dogs

Essential oils are concentrated plant extracts that have an intense scent. They are mostly used in aromatherapy to increase well-being or alleviate discomfort. Essential oils can also be used on dogs, but only with caution and in small doses.

Essential oils can help, for example, if

  • your dog has skin problems or wounds
  • your dog has digestive problems
  • your dog needs to relax or cheer up

The essential oils are either diluted with a carrier oil (such as coconut oil or argan oil) and applied to the skin, nebulized in a diffuser or sprayed. The dosage depends on the type of oil and the size of the dog, but usually 1 to 2 drops per 10 ml of carrier oil is recommended.

Benefits of essential oils for dogs

  • They are natural and have a versatile effect
  • They can condition the coat and ward off parasites
  • They can have a positive effect on the dog's behavior and mood

Disadvantages of essential oils for dogs

  • They can be toxic if dosed or applied incorrectly
  • They can trigger allergic reactions or irritation
  • They can overstrain the dog's sense of smell

Essences for dogs can be a useful addition to conventional veterinary medicine if they are selected and used correctly. They are intended to increase the dog's well-being and help it with various ailments. However, you should always make sure that the essences are suitable for dogs, that they are not overdosed and that they are not used as a substitute for veterinary treatment.

Learn even more about Essences

If you notice any signs of hypersensitivity or poisoning in your dog, you should see your vet immediately. We are not a substitute for a vet, but we try to be as accurate as possible. Every dog reacts differently and we recommend you get a second opinion or consult your vet if in doubt.

Stay healthy and take good care of your four-legged friend!😊

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