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Common velvet foot

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You may have heard of the common velvet toadstool, a mushroom that is cultivated in East Asia and is known there as enoki. But did you also know that this mushroom can be interesting for dogs? In this article, you'll find out what the common velvet toadstool is, what advantages and disadvantages it has for dogs and how you can offer it to your four-legged friend.

What is the velutipes mushroom?

The velvet toadstool (Flammulina velutipes) is a species of mushroom in the Physalacriaceae family. It usually grows in clusters on dead or living wood of deciduous trees, especially willows, poplars, ash trees and elder trees. It is frost-resistant and forms its fruiting bodies mainly in the winter months, which is why it is also known as the winter mushroom. Its name refers to the velvety stem, which is yellowish at the top and dark brown to black at the bottom. The cap is flat domed to depressed, honey-yellow to reddish-brown with a darker center and greasy to slimy. The lamellae are white to pale yellow. The mushroom has a mild taste and a cartilaginous-gelatinous consistency.

What are the benefits of the common velvet toadstool for dogs?

The velvety toadstool is an edible mushroom that is popular in Asian cuisine. It contains many nutrients such as protein, fiber, vitamins (especially B2 and B3) and minerals (especially potassium, phosphorus and iron). It also has an antioxidant effect and can strengthen the immune system. Some studies have shown that the mushroom also has antitumor, antiviral and antibacterial properties. These benefits can also be useful for dogs that can benefit from a healthy diet.

What are the disadvantages of velvet toadflax for dogs?

Although the common velvet toadstool is an edible mushroom, not every dog likes it or tolerates it well. As with any new food, you should only offer your dog small amounts and observe how he reacts to it. Some dogs can have an allergic reaction to the mushroom or develop digestive problems. You should also make sure that you only use fresh and unspoiled mushrooms that do not contain any harmful substances. This is because the velvet toadstool can absorb heavy metals or pesticides from the wood. If you are unsure whether the mushroom is edible, it is better not to give it to your dog.

How can you offer the common velvet toadstool to your dog?

The common velvet foot can be eaten raw or cooked. You can give it to your dog as a snack or as a supplement to their food. However, you should make sure that you wash the mushroom well and remove the stalks, as they are very tough. You can cut the cap into small pieces or mash it and mix it into the food. You can also briefly blanch or steam the mushroom to make it softer. However, you should not add salt or spices, as these can be harmful to dogs. You can also dry the mushroom and use it as a treat, but then you should reduce the quantity as the mushroom becomes more concentrated.


The common velvet toadstool is an interesting mushroom that can be healthy for dogs, but also carries some risks. You should only give your dog small amounts and test its tolerance. You should also only use fresh and uncontaminated mushrooms and prepare them well. If you follow these tips, you can offer your dog a change in his diet and do him some good.

Learn even more about Enoki mushrooms

If you notice any signs of hypersensitivity or poisoning in your dog, you should see your vet immediately. We are not a substitute for a vet, but we try to be as accurate as possible. Every dog reacts differently and we recommend you get a second opinion or consult your vet if in doubt.

Stay healthy and take good care of your four-legged friend!😊

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