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Shiitake mushrooms

A representation of Shiitake mushrooms

You may have heard of shiitake mushrooms or even eaten them yourself. But did you know that you can also feed them to your dog? This article will tell you everything you need to know about this special type of mushroom.

What are shiitake mushrooms?

Shiitake mushrooms are edible mushrooms that originally come from Asia. They grow on logs or slices of wood and have a brown cap with white lamellae. Their name translates as "mushroom of the Pasania tree", a deciduous tree on which they are often cultivated. Shiitake mushrooms have a nutty and spicy taste and are rich in protein, fiber, vitamins and minerals.

What are the benefits of shiitake mushrooms for dogs?

Shiitake mushrooms can provide many health benefits for your dog. For example, they can:

  • strengthen the immune system and protect against infections
  • promote digestion and improve the intestinal flora
  • support liver function and promote detoxification
  • lower blood lipid levels and protect the cardiovascular system
  • improve skin and coat health and alleviate allergies
  • Inhibit the growth of tumors and increase cancer resistance

How can you feed your dog shiitake mushrooms?

Shiitake mushrooms are safe for dogs in moderation and can be given as a supplement to their normal food. However, there are a few things you should bear in mind:

  • Only buy fresh or dried shiitake mushrooms from an organic or health food store. Avoid jarred or canned mushrooms, as they often contain salt or preservatives that can be harmful to dogs.
  • Wash the mushrooms thoroughly and remove the stem, which is hard and difficult to digest.
  • Cut the mushrooms into small pieces or puree them into a paste with a little water.
  • Boil the mushrooms briefly in a little water or stock to kill any germs. Do not add oil or spices, as these can be incompatible for dogs.
  • Mix the mushrooms into your dog's food or give them as a treat between meals. Start with a small amount and observe how your dog reacts to it. Slowly increase the amount until you reach about one teaspoon per 5 kg of body weight per day.

What are the disadvantages of shiitake mushrooms for dogs?

Shiitake mushrooms are generally well tolerated by dogs, but as with any new food, there may be individual intolerances or side effects. Watch out for the following signs:

If you notice any of these symptoms in your dog, you should stop giving him shiitake mushrooms and consult a vet. Your dog may be allergic to the mushrooms or have mushroom poisoning.


Shiitake mushrooms are a healthy and tasty ingredient for your dog that can bring him many benefits. However, you should make sure that you only buy high-quality mushrooms, prepare them correctly and feed them in moderation.

Learn even more about Shiitake mushrooms

If you notice any signs of hypersensitivity or poisoning in your dog, you should see your vet immediately. We are not a substitute for a vet, but we try to be as accurate as possible. Every dog reacts differently and we recommend you get a second opinion or consult your vet if in doubt.

Stay healthy and take good care of your four-legged friend!😊