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A representation of Einkorn

At a time when our dogs' diets are almost as complex and debated as our own, einkorn stands out as an interesting element. This ancient grain, known for its richness in nutrients and digestibility, could be a valuable addition to our four-legged friends' diet. However, as with any food, there are pros and cons to consider. In this article, we take a closer look at einkorn to assess its suitability for dogs.

What is einkorn?

Einkorn, scientifically known as Triticum monococcum, is one of the oldest cereals to be cultivated by humans. It belongs to the wheat family and is characterized by a high nutritional value, good digestibility and a lower tendency to allergies. Einkorn is often praised as a superfood, not only because of its richness in minerals and vitamins, but also because of its high protein content compared to modern wheat varieties.

Benefits: Einkorn in dog nutrition

High nutritional value

Einkorn is rich in essential nutrients such as proteins, unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins (especially B vitamins) and minerals (including magnesium, iron and zinc). These nutrients are essential for the overall health and well-being of dogs.

Good digestibility

Compared to other grains, einkorn is often better tolerated and less likely to cause digestive problems. This makes it a potentially good choice for dogs with sensitive stomachs or those prone to indigestion.

Lower risk of allergies

Although grain allergies in dogs are less common than often thought, einkorn may pose a lower allergy risk than more modern grains due to its genetic simplicity and less processing.

Disadvantages and risks: Concerns when feeding einkorn

Contains gluten

Despite its many benefits, einkorn contains gluten, which can cause problems for dogs with gluten intolerance or coeliac disease (although rare in dogs). It is important to look out for signs of intolerance and consult a vet if necessary.

Calorie content

Like all cereals, einkorn is high in calories. Excessive feeding can therefore lead to weight gain and associated health problems, especially in less active dogs or those prone to obesity.

Availability and cost

As a niche product, einkorn can be harder to find and more expensive than conventional grains. This may be a hurdle for some dog owners.


Einkorn offers a number of nutritional benefits that make it an interesting option for dogs' diets. Its high nutritional value and good digestibility can be particularly beneficial for dogs with certain health needs. However, it is important to consider the potential disadvantages, especially the gluten it contains and its high calorie content. As with any dietary change, you should take the introduction of einkorn into your dog's diet slowly and pay attention to your pet's reaction. A balanced diet that is tailored to your dog's individual needs remains the key to their health and well-being.

Learn even more about Einkorn

If you notice any signs of hypersensitivity or poisoning in your dog, you should see your vet immediately. We are not a substitute for a vet, but we try to be as accurate as possible. Every dog reacts differently and we recommend you get a second opinion or consult your vet if in doubt.

Stay healthy and take good care of your four-legged friend!😊

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