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Devil's claw

A representation of Devil's claw

Devil's claw is a medicinal plant from Africa that can help with various ailments. In this article, you will find out what devil's claw is, how it works, how you can feed it to your dog and what its advantages and disadvantages are.

What is devil's claw?

Devil's claw (Harpagophytum procumbens) is a plant that grows in the Kalahari Desert and other dry areas of South Africa. It has long shoots that spread along the ground and purple flowers. The fruits of the plant have hooked tips that can stick to the fur of animals. This is where the name devil's claw comes from.

The roots of the devil's claw contain various ingredients that have a healing effect. These include bitter substances, which stimulate digestion, and glycosides, which have an anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving effect. The roots are dried and processed into powder, tea, tablets or ointment.

How does devil's claw work in dogs?

Devil's claw can have various positive effects on dogs. The most important are

  • Joint health: Devil's claw can help dogs with osteoarthritis, arthritis, spondylosis or other joint conditions. The anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving effect of the glycosides can alleviate discomfort and improve mobility. Devil's claw can also be used preventively to protect the joints.
  • Digestion: Devil's claw can help dogs with digestive problems. The bitter substances stimulate the production of gastric juice and bile, which aids digestion. Devil's claw can also help with loss of appetite, nausea, heartburn, flatulence or vomiting.
  • Immune system: Devil's claw can strengthen the immune system in dogs. The plant has an antioxidant effect that fights free radicals and prevents cell damage. Devil's claw can also improve blood count and support liver function.

How do you feed devil's claw to dogs?

Devil's claw is available to buy in various forms. The most common are:

  • Powder: The powder can simply be mixed into the food. It has a bitter taste that some dogs don't like. It can be sweetened with a little honey or quark or hidden with a treat.
  • Tablets: Tablets are usually pressed powder with a coating. They are easy to dose and administer. They can be given directly into the dog's mouth or mixed with food.
  • Tea: The tea is brewed from the powder or the dried roots. It has a strong smell and taste that many dogs do not like. It can be sweetened with a little honey or curd cheese or hidden with a treat.
  • Ointment: The ointment is made from the powder or extract of the roots. It is applied externally to the affected joints and massaged in. It has a cooling and decongestant effect.

How do you dose devil's claw for dogs?

The dosage of devil's claw depends on various factors, such as the weight of the dog, the form of application and the reason for feeding. There is no generally applicable recommendation for the dosage of devil's claw, so you should always follow the manufacturer's or vet's instructions. The following dosages can be used as a guide:

  • Powder: 1-2 grams per 10 kilograms of body weight per day
  • Tablets: 1-2 tablets per 10 kilograms of body weight per day
  • Tea: 1-2 teaspoons per cup of water, 1-2 cups per 10 kilograms of body weight per day
  • Ointment: apply to the affected areas as required

What are the advantages and disadvantages of devil's claw for dogs?

Devil's claw has many benefits for dogs, but also some disadvantages. Here are the main ones:


  • Natural: Devil's claw is a natural medicinal plant that contains no artificial additives. It is a gentle alternative to chemical medications, which often have side effects.
  • Effective: Devil's claw has a proven effect on joint problems, digestive problems and other conditions. It can improve the quality of life of dogs and spare them pain.
  • Versatile: Devil's claw can help with various ailments and can be used in various forms. It can also be combined with other natural remedies, such as green-lipped mussel or frankincense.


  • Taste: Devil's claw has a bitter taste that many dogs don't like. You often have to hide it with something sweet or a treat to make it palatable to the dog.
  • Side effects: Devil's claw can cause side effects in some dogs, such as diarrhea, stomach irritation or a tendency to bleed. It should not be used in dogs with stomach ulcers, kidney stones or blood clotting disorders. It should also not be combined with blood-thinning medication.
  • Overdose: Devil's claw should not be overdosed as this can lead to symptoms of poisoning. The symptoms of an overdose are vomiting, diarrhea, tremors, cramps or unconsciousness. In the event of an overdose, a vet should be consulted immediately.

Devil's claw is a medicinal plant from Africa that can help dogs with joint problems, digestive problems and other illnesses. It has an anti-inflammatory, pain-relieving and digestive effect. It can be used in various forms such as powder, tablets, tea or ointment. The dosage depends on the weight of the dog and the form of application. Devil's claw has many benefits for dogs, but also some disadvantages. It has a bitter taste that many dogs do not like. It can cause side effects in some dogs or lead to an overdose. It should not be used on dogs with certain pre-existing conditions or medications.

Learn even more about Devil's claw

If you notice any signs of hypersensitivity or poisoning in your dog, you should see your vet immediately. We are not a substitute for a vet, but we try to be as accurate as possible. Every dog reacts differently and we recommend you get a second opinion or consult your vet if in doubt.

Stay healthy and take good care of your four-legged friend!😊

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