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Milk and dairy products

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Milk and dairy products are foods that are made from the milk of cows, goats or other animals. These include cheese, yoghurt, quark, butter and cream, for example. Many people love these products and eat them regularly. But what about dogs? Can dogs eat milk and dairy products? And if so, which types are good for them and which are not? In this article, you can find out more about the pros and cons of milk and dairy products for dogs.

Are dogs lactose intolerant?

Lactose is the milk sugar contained in milk. In order to digest lactose, the body needs an enzyme called lactase, which breaks the lactose down into smaller sugar molecules. Puppies have a lot of lactase in their intestines because they are suckled by their mother. But with age, the production of lactase decreases, especially when dogs stop drinking milk. This means that many adult dogs are lactose intolerant. This means they can't digest lactose well and get diarrhea, bloating or abdominal pain.

But not all dogs are the same. Some dogs tolerate lactose better than others, depending on how much lactase they still have and how much lactose they ingest. Also, not all dairy products contain the same amount of lactose. Fresh milk, for example, has more lactose than matured cheese or yoghurt. Therefore, you should always be careful when giving your dog milk or dairy products. Start with small amounts and observe how your dog reacts. If he shows no symptoms, you can slowly increase the amount. But don't overdo it: dairy products should not make up more than five percent of the total amount of food.

Which dairy products can dogs eat?

Not all dairy products are suitable for dogs. Some are too fatty, too salty or too sweet for them. However, others can be a useful addition to a dog's diet because they contain valuable nutrients such as protein, calcium or probiotics. Here are some examples of dairy products that you can safely feed your dog:

  • Cottage cheese: cottage cheese is a granular cream cheese with a low fat and lactose content. It is rich in easily digestible protein and can be used as a light diet for dogs with gastrointestinal problems.
  • Quark: Similar to cottage cheese, quark is a cream cheese with high protein and low lactose. It also contains lactic acid bacteria, which are good for the intestinal flora. You can give your dog low-fat quark if he tends to be overweight, or quark with a higher fat content if he is too thin.
  • Buttermilk: Buttermilk is the liquid left over from making butter. It is low in fat and high in calcium and probiotics. Buttermilk can help your dog to regulate his digestion and strengthen his immune system.
  • Yogurt: Yogurt is a fermented milk product with lots of probiotics. It can also promote your dog's intestinal health and support his immune system. However, make sure that you only give your dog natural yogurt without sugar or artificial additives.
  • Cheese: Cheese is a mature dairy product with lots of protein and calcium. However, it also has a lot of fat and salt, so you should only feed it in moderation. You should also make sure that the cheese does not contain too much lactose. Good varieties for dogs include Cheddar, Gouda and Emmental.

Milk and dairy products are not essential for dogs, but they can be a tasty and healthy change to their diet. However, you should always make sure that your dog tolerates dairy products well and that you don't give him too much of them. You should also only choose natural and unsweetened products that are low in fat, salt and lactose. This way you can do your dog some good without harming him.

Learn even more about Dairy products

If you notice any signs of hypersensitivity or poisoning in your dog, you should see your vet immediately. We are not a substitute for a vet, but we try to be as accurate as possible. Every dog reacts differently and we recommend you get a second opinion or consult your vet if in doubt.

Stay healthy and take good care of your four-legged friend!😊

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