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Cassava starch

A representation of Cassava starch

You may have heard of cassava starch, but do you know what it is and whether it's good or bad for your dog? This article will tell you everything you need to know about this ingredient.

What is cassava starch?

Cassava starch is a vegetable product obtained from the root of the cassava plant. Cassava, also known as manioc or yucca, is a tropical plant that is mainly cultivated in Africa, Asia and South America. The root contains a lot of starch, which is processed into a white powder by grinding, washing and drying.

Cassava starch is often used as a thickening or binding agent in food. It can be found in baked goods, soups, sauces and puddings, for example. It is gluten-free and tasteless.

Benefits of cassava starch for dogs

Cassava starch can have a number of benefits for dogs, especially for dogs that suffer from allergies or intolerances. As cassava starch contains no grain, it can be a good alternative to wheat or corn, which are often used as fillers in dog food. Some dogs are sensitive to these ingredients and show symptoms such as itching, diarrhea or vomiting.

Cassava starch can also help to regulate a dog's blood sugar levels. As it is a complex carbohydrate source, it is digested more slowly and provides a steady supply of energy. This can be particularly beneficial for dogs with diabetes or who are overweight.

Disadvantages of cassava starch for dogs

Cassava starch is not without risks for dogs. On the one hand, an overdose of carbohydrates can occur if the dog eats too much of it. This can lead to digestive problems, weight gain or inflammation. In addition, cassava starch can impair the absorption of other nutrients if it is not sufficiently combined with proteins or fats.

On the other hand, cassava starch can also be toxic if it is not processed properly. The raw cassava root contains cyanide compounds that can lead to severe poisoning. The root must therefore be thoroughly washed and cooked before being processed into starch. Unfortunately, there is no guarantee that all manufacturers of cassava starch comply with these steps. Therefore, you should always pay attention to the quality and origin of the ingredient.


Cassava starch is a plant-based ingredient that can have both advantages and disadvantages for dogs. It can be a good option for dogs with allergies or intolerances, but can also lead to health problems if it is processed too much or incorrectly.

Learn even more about Cassava starch

If you notice any signs of hypersensitivity or poisoning in your dog, you should see your vet immediately. We are not a substitute for a vet, but we try to be as accurate as possible. Every dog reacts differently and we recommend you get a second opinion or consult your vet if in doubt.

Stay healthy and take good care of your four-legged friend!😊

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