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Calathea burle-marxii

A representation of Calathea burle-marxii

Calathea burle-marxii is a tropical plant from the Marantaceae family that can brighten up any room with its eye-catching leaves. The leaves have a green herringbone pattern on the upper side and a purple-red underside, which they fold up at night. The plant is named after the Brazilian landscape architect Roberto Burle Marx, who discovered it. In this article you will learn everything you need to know about the Calathea burle-marxii, especially in relation to dogs.

Is Calathea burle-marxii poisonous to dogs?

The good news is: Calathea burle-marxii is not poisonous to dogs. The plant does not contain any harmful substances that could lead to symptoms of poisoning in dogs. However, this does not mean that you should let your dog nibble on the plant. The leaves can have sharp edges that could injure your dog's mouth or esophagus. In addition, your dog's saliva can damage the leaves and cause brown spots. You should therefore place the plant out of your dog's reach or hang it in a hanging basket.

How to care for Calathea burle-marxii properly?

Calathea burle-marxii is an easy-care plant with few requirements. Here are some tips on how to keep your Calathea burle-marxii healthy and happy:

  • Location: the plant likes a bright location, but not direct sunlight, which could burn its leaves. An east or west-facing window is ideal. The plant can also tolerate some shade, but too little light can lead to pale or deformed leaves.
  • Temperature: The plant likes it warm and constant. The ideal temperature is between 18 and 24 degrees Celsius. Avoid draughts and temperature fluctuations that could stress the plant.
  • Humidity: The plant needs high humidity to keep its leaves plump and shiny. Spray the plant regularly with soft water or place it on a tray with moist gravel or expanded clay. You can also use a humidifier or place the plant in a bathroom where it is more humid.
  • Watering: The plant likes evenly moist soil, but not waterlogged soil, which can lead to root rot. Only water the plant when the top layer of soil is slightly dry. Use lukewarm, low-lime water and always water from below to prevent water from standing on the leaves.
  • Fertilize: The plant only needs a little fertilizer to grow and flower. Fertilize the plant every two to four weeks from spring to autumn with a diluted liquid fertilizer for green plants. In winter, you can stop fertilizing altogether.
  • Repotting: The plant grows relatively slowly and does not need to be repotted often. Only repot the plant every two to three years in spring in a slightly larger pot with fresh soil. Use a loose and well-drained soil, for example a mixture of potting soil, perlite and peat.
  • Pruning: The plant hardly needs pruning. Only cut off dead or damaged leaves to keep the plant healthy. Use clean, sharp scissors and cut the leaves close to the stem.
  • Propagation: The plant can be easily propagated by division. When repotting, divide the plant into several pieces with at least one shoot and a few roots. Plant the divisions in separate pots with moist soil and keep them warm and moist until they form new leaves.

Calathea burle-marxii is a beautiful houseplant that you can safely have in your home if you have a dog. The plant is not poisonous to dogs, but you should still avoid your dog chewing on the plant. Caring for the plant is easy if you provide the right conditions. With a little love and attention, your Calathea burle-marxii will give you pleasure for a long time.

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Learn even more about Calathea burle-marxii

If you notice any signs of hypersensitivity or poisoning in your dog, you should see your vet immediately. We are not a substitute for a vet, but we try to be as accurate as possible. Every dog reacts differently and we recommend you get a second opinion or consult your vet if in doubt.

Stay healthy and take good care of your four-legged friend!😊

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