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Calathea majestica

A representation of Calathea majestica

Calathea majestica is an impressive houseplant that adds an exotic atmosphere to any room. With its large, magnificent leaves and beautiful patterns and contrasts, it is a real eye-catcher. Whether as an ornamental foliage plant or as part of an exotic houseplant collection, the Calathea majestica brings a touch of tropical flair into your home. In this article, you will learn everything you need to know about Calathea majestica, especially in relation to dogs. You'll learn what Calathea majestica is, how to care for it properly and why it's a good choice for dog owners.

What is Calathea majestica?

Calathea majestica belongs to the genus Calathea, which comprises over 300 different species of evergreen, rhizome-forming perennials. The genus belongs to the Marantaceae family and originates from the tropical regions of Central and South America and the West Indies. The Calathea species are primarily known for their attractive leaves, which are painted in various shades of green, purple or pink. The leaves are ovate, round or elliptical and have a long stalk. They emerge from the ground in clusters and can grow up to two meters high, depending on the species.

Calathea majestica is one of the larger species and is characterized by its oval leaves with a bright green and purple-red underside. The leaves have a glossy surface and are decorated with silver stripes. Calathea majestica also produces attractive flowers that form upright spikes in clusters. The individual flowers have a tubular shape with widened upper and lower lips.

How to care for Calathea majestica?

Calathea majestica is a demanding houseplant that requires high humidity and regular watering. It can cope with relatively little light, but the more colorful the foliage, the more light it needs. Too dark a location will cause the leaf pattern to fade. The color contrasts also diminish somewhat with age. High humidity is desirable for all representatives - the tropical origin cannot be denied.

The optimum temperature for Calathea majestica is between 18 and 25 degrees Celsius. It does not tolerate draughts or direct sunlight. In summer, it should be sprayed regularly with lime-free water to increase the humidity. In winter, it should be kept in a bright, but not too warm place.

Calathea majestica should be watered regularly, but without causing waterlogging. The substrate should always be slightly moist, but not wet. You can water a little more in summer than in winter. The water should be lime-free or stagnant. Once a month, the plant can be given a low-dose liquid fertilizer.

Calathea majestica does not need much pruning, except to remove wilted or damaged leaves. To propagate the plant, you can divide it in spring and plant the individual rhizomes in new pots. Calathea majestica is susceptible to pests such as spider mites, mealybugs or scale insects, which can be controlled with a damp cloth or an organic pesticide.

Why is Calathea majestica suitable for dog owners?

Calathea majestica is an ideal houseplant for dog owners because it is non-toxic and cannot be harmful to cats or other pets. On the contrary, it even contains substances that have been used to neutralize arrow poison. This means that you don't have to worry if your dog nibbles on the plant or knocks it over. Calathea majestica is therefore a safe and beautiful addition to your home.


Calathea majestica is an exotic houseplant that will brighten up any room with its large, magnificent leaves and beautiful patterns and contrasts. It belongs to the Calathea genus, which includes over 300 different species of tropical perennials. Calathea majestica requires high humidity, regular watering and a light to semi-shady location. It is non-toxic and therefore suitable for dog owners. If you are looking for a distinctive ornamental foliage plant that will bring a touch of tropical flair into your home, then Calathea majestica is the right choice for you.

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Learn even more about Calathea majestica

If you notice any signs of hypersensitivity or poisoning in your dog, you should see your vet immediately. We are not a substitute for a vet, but we try to be as accurate as possible. Every dog reacts differently and we recommend you get a second opinion or consult your vet if in doubt.

Stay healthy and take good care of your four-legged friend!😊

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