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Bresso soft cheese

A representation of Bresso soft cheese

Do you love cheese and want to share it with your four-legged friend? Then you may have heard of Bresso soft cheese, a cream cheese from Germany in various flavors. But is Bresso soft cheese really good for dogs? And what should you look out for when feeding it to your dog? In this article, you can find out more about this delicious cheese and its advantages and disadvantages for dogs.

What is Bresso soft cheese?

Bresso soft cheese is a brand of the Edelweiss cheese dairy in Kempten (Allgäu), which belongs to the French dairy group Savencia Fromage & Dairy. It is a fresh and soft cheese that is refined with various ingredients such as herbs de Provence, garlic or salmon. The cheese has a light, airy consistency and an aromatic taste.

Bresso soft cheese is available in different product variants, for example in tubs, in portions or as fine morsels. You can spread it on bread, use it as a dip or add it to Mediterranean dishes. It is therefore very versatile and not only tastes good to you, but perhaps also to your dog.

What are the benefits of Bresso soft cheese for dogs?

Cheese is generally a popular snack for dogs as it contains many nutrients such as calcium, protein and vitamin A. These can support the health of skin, coat, teeth and bones. Cheese can also be used when administering medication or as a reward for training.

Bresso soft cheese has the advantage that it has a relatively low fat content (approx. 16% fat in dry matter), which is good for your dog's figure. It is also easy to digest and can help with gastrointestinal problems. The different flavors can also pique your dog's interest and provide variety.

What are the disadvantages of Bresso soft cheese for dogs?

As with all foods, the same applies to Bresso soft cheese: the quantity makes the poison. Too much cheese can lead to obesity, flatulence or diarrhea. Your dog may also be lactose intolerant or have an allergic reaction to certain ingredients. You should therefore always pay attention to how your dog reacts to cheese and only feed it in moderation.

Another disadvantage of Bresso soft cheese is the high salt content (approx. 1% salt), which can have a negative effect on your dog's blood pressure. In addition, some varieties contain garlic or onions, which are toxic to dogs and can lead to anemia. You should therefore avoid these varieties or only use them very sparingly.


Bresso soft cheese can be a tasty snack for you and your dog if you keep a few things in mind.

Learn even more about Bresso soft cheese

If you notice any signs of hypersensitivity or poisoning in your dog, you should see your vet immediately. We are not a substitute for a vet, but we try to be as accurate as possible. Every dog reacts differently and we recommend you get a second opinion or consult your vet if in doubt.

Stay healthy and take good care of your four-legged friend!😊

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