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A representation of Ayran

Ayran, a traditional fermented drink that originated in Turkey, is becoming increasingly popular around the world. But what about ayran as part of our four-legged friends' diet? In this article, we take a closer look at ayran and assess its suitability for dogs. We'll look at both the benefits and potential drawbacks to give you a full understanding.

What is ayran?

Ayran is a refreshing drink made by mixing yogurt, water and a pinch of salt. The base is yoghurt, which is produced by fermenting milk with specific cultures. This process gives Ayran probiotic properties that can be beneficial for both humans and potentially dogs.

Probiotic power: the benefits for your dog

Support for digestion

Ayran contains live bacterial cultures that can positively influence the intestinal flora. These probiotics can help to promote the balance of microorganisms in your dog's gut and reduce digestive problems such as diarrhea and bloating.

Strengthening the immune system

A healthy gut plays an essential role in a strong immune system. The probiotics contained in Ayran can strengthen your dog's defenses and make it more resistant to disease.

Potential disadvantages and precautions

Lactose intolerance

Not all dogs tolerate dairy products equally well. Many adult dogs have difficulty digesting lactose, the sugar contained in milk. This can lead to gastrointestinal problems. Although ayran contains less lactose than milk, you should still be careful and monitor your dog when you give him ayran for the first time.

Salt content

The salt content in ayran can be problematic for dogs. Too much salt is harmful for dogs and can lead to dehydration and, in the worst case, sodium poisoning. Therefore, if possible, choose ayran with a low salt content or prepare it yourself without salt.

Fat content

The fat content of the yogurt used to make ayran can vary. While a moderate fat content is safe for most dogs, too much fat can be problematic, especially for dogs that tend to be overweight. Pay attention to portion sizes and choose a low fat yogurt to make ayran for your dog.

Feeding recommendations

If you decide to introduce ayran into your dog's diet, start with small amounts and observe how your dog reacts to it. Make sure that the ayran does not contain any additional ingredients such as sugar or flavorings that could be harmful to your dog. Always consult a vet if you are unsure.


Ayran can be a healthy addition to your dog's diet when consumed with caution. The probiotic properties can support digestion and the immune system. However, it is important to consider the individual tolerance and ingredients of the ayran. Lactose intolerance, salt and fat content are factors to consider. Start with small amounts and monitor your dog closely to ensure that ayran is a positive addition to their diet.

Learn even more about Ayran

If you notice any signs of hypersensitivity or poisoning in your dog, you should see your vet immediately. We are not a substitute for a vet, but we try to be as accurate as possible. Every dog reacts differently and we recommend you get a second opinion or consult your vet if in doubt.

Stay healthy and take good care of your four-legged friend!😊

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