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Redness in dogs is a common symptom that can have various causes. In this blog post, you'll find out what the possible causes of redness are, how you can recognize and treat it, and when you should see a vet.

What is redness in dogs?

Redness in dogs means that the dog's skin or mucous membranes take on a reddish color. This can occur in various parts of the body, for example on the eyes, ears, mouth, stomach or paws. Redness can be a sign of inflammation, an allergy, an infection or an injury.

How do you recognize redness in dogs?

Redness in dogs is often associated with other symptoms that may indicate what the cause is. For example, in addition to the redness, the dog may have itching, pain, swelling, crusting, hair loss or fever. To recognize the redness, you should examine your dog regularly and look for changes in his skin or mucous membranes. If you notice redness, take a closer look at it and try to determine whether it feels warm or moist, whether it is spreading or receding, and whether it is accompanied by other symptoms.

How to treat redness in dogs?

The treatment of redness in dogs depends on the cause. In some cases, it may be sufficient to clean and disinfect the affected area, for example a small wound or an insect bite. In other cases, it may be necessary to give the dog medication, for example antihistamines for an allergy or antibiotics for a bacterial infection. Sometimes it can also help to give the dog a special diet or a special shampoo to soothe and care for the skin.

When should you see a vet?

You should always see a vet if you are unsure what is causing the redness, or if the redness is very severe or not getting better. A vet can make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the appropriate treatment. You should also see a vet if your dog has other serious symptoms in addition to the redness, such as difficulty breathing, vomiting, diarrhea or bleeding. These may indicate a serious illness that needs to be treated quickly.


Les auteurs partent du principe qu'en cas de maladie d'un animal, il convient de consulter un vétérinaire et de ne prendre des médicaments qu'après avoir consulté un médecin ou un pharmacien. Seul un examen individuel peut conduire à un diagnostic et à une décision thérapeutique.

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