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(Redirigé de Abscesses)
Une représentation de Abscesses

An abscess is an encapsulated collection of pus in the dog's body tissue. Abscesses are usually caused by pathogens such as bacteria entering healthy tissue and triggering an inflammatory response in the body. Abscesses can occur in a variety of places, such as the skin, jaw, organs, or anal sacs. In this article you will learn how to recognize, treat and prevent an abscess in your dog.

How do you recognize an abscess in a dog?

An abscess on the skin is usually noticeable by a swelling that feels warm and painful. The swelling may grow larger over time and burst open on its own or form a fistula leading to the surface of the body. An abscess inside the body is not visible from the outside, but may cause symptoms such as fever, loss of appetite and fatigue. To diagnose an abscess in a dog, the veterinarian will need to take a sample or perform an x-ray or ultrasound examination.

How to treat an abscess in a dog?

To treat an abscess in a dog, the veterinarian must open and drain the pus cavity. To do this, the dog is usually anesthetized locally or completely. The veterinarian will irrigate the wound and, if necessary, insert a drain to ensure the pus drains. He also prescribes antibiotics to fight the infection. The wound will need to be checked and cleaned regularly until it is completely healed.

How can you prevent an abscess in a dog?

To prevent an abscess in a dog, you should make sure that your dog does not have any open wounds or injuries. If your dog has been bitten or has bitten itself on a foreign object, you should disinfect the wound immediately and have it examined by a veterinarian. Good dental care and regular anal pouch checks can also help prevent abscesses. In addition, you should strengthen your dog's immune system by providing him with a balanced diet and sufficient exercise.


Les auteurs partent du principe qu'en cas de maladie d'un animal, il convient de consulter un vétérinaire et de ne prendre des médicaments qu'après avoir consulté un médecin ou un pharmacien. Seul un examen individuel peut conduire à un diagnostic et à une décision thérapeutique.

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