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Une représentation de Overweight

Obesity is not only a problem for humans, but also for dogs. According to a study by the University of Leipzig, around 40 percent of German dogs are too fat. This can lead to serious health problems such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease or joint problems. But how can you tell if your dog is overweight and what can you do about it? In this article, you will learn everything you need to know to give your dog a healthy and happy life.

How can I tell if my dog is overweight?

There are several ways to assess your dog's weight. One simple way is to stroke him and feel his ribs. If you can't feel the ribs or can only feel them with difficulty, your dog is probably too fat. Another option is to look at him from above and from the side. If you can see a clear waist from above and a belly from the side, your dog is of normal weight. If the waist has disappeared and the belly is sagging, your dog is overweight.

To determine your dog's weight more accurately, you can also use a scale. However, you should not only pay attention to the number, but also to the breed, age and build of your dog. The ideal weight can vary depending on these factors. A good guide is the so-called Body Condition Score (BCS), which classifies your dog's weight on a scale from 1 (very thin) to 9 (very fat). You can look up the BCS online or ask your vet about it.

What are the causes of obesity in dogs?

The most common cause of obesity in dogs is a poor diet. Many dogs are given too much food or too many treats, which often contain a lot of sugar or fat. Feeding leftovers or human food can also lead to obesity, as these are often not tailored to the needs of dogs. Your dog may also be drinking too little, which slows down their metabolism.

Another cause of obesity in dogs is a lack of exercise. If your dog lies in the house or apartment all day and rarely goes for a walk or plays, it doesn't burn enough calories and stores them as fat. This can also be down to you if you don't have enough time or inclination to spend with your dog.

Sometimes obesity in dogs can also have other causes, such as a disease of the thyroid or adrenal glands, which affect the hormone balance. Castration or sterilization can also lead to weight gain, as this reduces your dog's energy requirements. In such cases, you should definitely consult a vet for advice.

How can I help my dog lose weight?

If you have noticed that your dog is overweight, you should not despair. There are many ways you can help him lose weight. The most important thing is to stick to a plan and be patient. Because losing weight takes time and discipline - from both you and your dog.

Feed your dog properly

The first step is to change your dog's diet. This does not mean that you should starve him, but that you give him the right food in the right quantities. To do this, you should follow these tips:

  • Choose a high-quality dog food that is specifically designed for overweight dogs. These contain fewer calories and fat, but more fiber and protein to keep your dog full and fit.
  • Follow the feeding recommendations on the packaging or ask your vet about the optimum amount of food for your dog. This depends on your dog's weight, breed, age and activity level. It is best to weigh the food to give the correct portion.
  • Feed your dog regularly, but not too often. It's best to give him two to three meals a day and not offer him anything in between. This will prevent him from getting hungry and begging in between.
  • Do without treats or reduce them to a minimum. If you want to reward your dog, give him something healthy, such as a piece of fruit or vegetable that is low in calories. Or even better: praise him verbally or stroke him.
  • Don't give your dog food from the table or from your hand. This only encourages his begging behavior and spoils him. In addition, human food can be unhealthy or even poisonous for dogs, such as chocolate, onions or raisins.
  • Make sure your dog always has enough fresh water available. Water is important for your dog's metabolism and digestion and helps him to feel full. However, avoid sugary or alcoholic drinks, which only provide unnecessary calories.

Move your dog sufficiently

The second step is to increase your dog's exercise. This does not mean that you should overexert him, but that you should offer him more fun and variety. To do this, you should stick to the following tips:

  • Walk your dog at least twice a day and gradually increase the duration and intensity. It's best if you choose different routes and offer him different surfaces to run on, such as grass, sand or snow. This will challenge his muscles and joints more.
  • Play different games with your dog that challenge him physically and mentally. For example, you can throw him a fetch toy and let him bring it back, give him an intelligence toy that he has to crack, or let him complete a course of obstacles. This is not only fun for him, but also strengthens his bond with you.
  • Sign your dog up for a dog sport that suits him. For example, you can try agility, obedience or dog dancing. This will not only improve his fitness, but also his ability to learn and his self-confidence.
  • Let your dog play with other dogs if he is compatible. This is a great way for him to let off steam and socialize. However, make sure that the other dogs are healthy and that you keep an eye on the situation.

Support your dog emotionally

The third step is to provide your dog with emotional support. This does not mean that you should spoil him, but that you show him that you love and respect him. To do this, you should stick to the following tips:

  • Be consistent with your dog and set clear boundaries. This gives him security and direction and prevents him from manipulating or dominating you.
  • Be patient with your dog and don't expect too much from him. Losing weight is a long process that can have setbacks. Praise him for any progress and motivate him to keep going.
  • Be understanding with your dog and respond to his needs. Every dog is different and has their own likes and dislikes. Find out what your dog enjoys and what stresses him out and adapt accordingly.
  • Be affectionate with your dog and give him attention and affection.

Les auteurs partent du principe qu'en cas de maladie d'un animal, il convient de consulter un vétérinaire et de ne prendre des médicaments qu'après avoir consulté un médecin ou un pharmacien. Seul un examen individuel peut conduire à un diagnostic et à une décision thérapeutique.

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