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Lagotto Romagnolo

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The Lagotto Romagnolo: The truffle hunter with a heart

History of the Lagotto Romagnolo

The origins of the Lagotto Romagnolo date back to ancient Italy. This breed was bred in the Romagna region specifically for truffle hunting. Its name is derived from the Italian word "Lago", which means lake, as these dogs were originally also used as water dogs. Over the years, however, the Lagotto Romagnolo specialized more and more in truffle hunting, as its excellent scenting ability and willingness to work made it perfect for this task. Today, the Lagotto Romagnolo is the only dog breed officially recognized as a truffle hunting dog.

Who is the Lagotto Romagnolo suitable for?

The Lagotto Romagnolo is a versatile dog that is suitable for both families and individuals. Its friendly and even-tempered nature makes it an ideal companion for active people who can provide it with sufficient exercise and mental stimulation. He is well suited to dog lovers who enjoy shared activities such as hiking, playing fetch or dog sports. The Lagotto Romagnolo is also suitable for families with children, as it is patient and affectionate with the little ones.

Character of the Lagotto Romagnolo

The Lagotto Romagnolo is known for its cheerful, attentive and loyal character. It is intelligent and eager to learn, which makes training easier. It is also very affectionate and forms a strong bond with its family. Despite its friendly nature, the Lagotto can also be vigilant and reliably reports strange visitors.

Appearance of the Lagotto Romagnolo

The Lagotto Romagnolo is a medium-sized dog with a thick, curly coat that protects it from adverse weather conditions. Its coat is hypoallergenic and hardly sheds, making it ideal for allergy sufferers. The colors vary from white, brown to orange, often with different shades and spots. Its expressive eyes and friendly charisma make it unmistakable.

Care of the Lagotto Romagnolo

Grooming the Lagotto Romagnolo requires regular brushing to prevent matting. A professional cut every few months is also recommended to keep the coat in shape. Ears and eyes should be checked and cleaned regularly to prevent infections. The claws also need to be trimmed regularly.

Health of the Lagotto Romagnolo

The Lagotto Romagnolo is a robust and healthy breed, but can be susceptible to certain hereditary diseases such as hip dysplasia or epilepsy. Regular health checks and visits to the vet are important to identify and treat potential problems at an early stage.

Size and weight of the Lagotto Romagnolo

An adult Lagotto Romagnolo reaches a shoulder height of around 41 to 48 cm in males and 38 to 46 cm in females. Their weight ranges from 11 to 16 kg, with males tending to be slightly heavier than females.

Exercise requirements and keeping in the city

The Lagotto Romagnolo is an active dog that needs plenty of exercise and mental exercise. Daily walks, games and training are essential to keep him happy and healthy. Although it can adapt to life in a city apartment, it prefers a home with access to a garden or regular outings in the countryside.

Training recommendations

Thanks to its intelligence and eagerness to learn, the Lagotto Romagnolo is easy to train. Positive reinforcement and varied training sessions are the key to successful training. Early socialization is important to ensure he gets along well with other dogs and people.

Interactions with children and other animals

The Lagotto Romagnolo is friendly and patient with children. He is a great playmate and fits in well with families. It generally gets along well with other pets, especially if it has been accustomed to their presence from an early age.

FCI recognition and other interesting facts

The Lagotto Romagnolo is recognized by the FCI (Fédération Cynologique Internationale) and belongs to Group 8, the retrieving, rummaging and water dogs. Another interesting feature of this breed is its suitability as a therapy dog, as its friendly and balanced nature has a positive effect on people.


Country of origin


Height at withers
Life expectancy



8 - Retrieving dogs, sniffer dogs, water dogs





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