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Hellinikos Ichnilatis

A representation of

Hellinikos Ichnilatis: The Greek sniffer dog with a history

History of the breed

The origins of the Hellinikos Ichnilatis go far back into antiquity. It is believed that this breed is descended from the dogs that were used for hunting in ancient Greece. These dogs were bred for centuries to track and pursue wild boar, hares and other wild animals in the mountainous and dense forests of Greece. Breeding focused on endurance, tracking ability and robustness, making the Hellinikos Ichnilatis an exceptional hunting companion.

Who is the Hellinikos Ichnilatis suitable for?

The Hellinikos Ichnilatis is particularly suitable for active people who spend a lot of time outdoors and are looking for a loyal companion for sporting activities. This breed needs a lot of exercise and mental stimulation, making it ideal for hunters, hikers and runners. Families with children can also enjoy this dog as it has a friendly and patient nature.

Character and behavior

The Hellinikos Ichnilatis is characterized by its intelligence, loyalty and endurance. It is an extremely active dog that likes to be kept busy and needs clear tasks. His strong hunting instinct makes him an enthusiastic tracker and pursuer. When interacting with people, he is friendly and open-minded, developing a close bond with his owners. He generally gets along well with other dogs as long as he has been well socialized.


The Hellinikos Ichnilatis is a medium-sized dog with a muscular and slender build. It has a short, dense coat that comes in a variety of colors, mostly black and brown. His eyes are expressive and his ears droop, giving him a characteristic and sympathetic expression. Males reach a shoulder height of 47 to 55 cm, while females are slightly smaller. The weight varies between 17 and 20 kg.


Grooming the Hellinikos Ichnilatis is relatively uncomplicated. Its short coat requires only occasional brushing to remove loose hair and keep the skin healthy. Regular checks of the ears, eyes and teeth are important to prevent infections. Claws should also be trimmed regularly, especially if the dog walks mainly on soft surfaces.


The Hellinikos Ichnilatis is a robust and healthy breed. There are no specific breed-related diseases, but as with all dogs, regular visits to the vet and vaccinations are essential. A balanced diet and sufficient exercise also contribute to health and longevity.

Exercise requirements

This breed has a high need for exercise and is therefore less suited to a purely urban home without access to green spaces. Daily walks, running and playing sessions as well as occasional hikes are necessary to keep the Hellinikos Ichnilatis physically and mentally active. A house with a garden or an active lifestyle are ideal for this breed.

Training recommendations

The Hellinikos Ichnilatis is an intelligent dog that learns quickly. Consistent but loving training is important to control its strong will and hunting instinct. Early socialization and basic obedience training are essential. Positive reinforcement methods, such as praise and treats, are particularly effective.

Behavior with children and other animals

The Hellinikos Ichnilatis is known for its patience and friendliness towards children. It can be a great playmate, provided that children respect its needs and boundaries. It usually gets along well with other pets, especially if it is accustomed to them from an early age.

FCI recognition

The Hellinikos Ichnilatis is recognized by the Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI) and is listed in Group 6 (Running Dogs, Welding Dogs and Related Breeds).


Alternative Names
Griechische Bracke


Height at withers
Life expectancy



6 - Running dogs, sweating dogs and related breeds


