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Griffon bleu de Gascogne

The Griffon bleu de Gascogne: The charming hunter

Origin and history: A hunter with tradition

The Griffon bleu de Gascogne has its roots in the historic region of Gascony in south-western France. The breed was created by crossing the Grand Bleu de Gascogne with Griffon breeds to create a dog suitable for both hunting and rough terrain. The breeding of these dogs dates back to the Middle Ages and they were mainly used for hunting wild boar, deer and other large game.

Who is the Griffon bleu de Gascogne suitable for?

This breed is ideal for active people who like to spend a lot of time outdoors. Hunters and outdoor enthusiasts will find the Griffon bleu de Gascogne a loyal companion with both energy and stamina. Due to its strong hunting instinct, it is less suitable for families who lead a quiet life in the city. A large garden or a house in the countryside would be perfect environments for this lively dog.

Character and behavior: A lively and loyal companion

The Griffon bleu de Gascogne is known for its intelligence, courage and energy. These dogs are extremely eager to learn and have a strong bond with their owners. They are social and get along well with other dogs, making them good members of multi-dog households. They are patient and friendly with children, however their lively nature should always be kept in mind to avoid accidental mishaps.

Appearance: A striking and beautiful dog

With its wiry coat and distinctive blue-black coloring, the Griffon bleu de Gascogne is easily recognizable. The coat is of medium length and rough, which gives it protection when hunting. The ears are long and drooping, the eyes are expressive and alert. These dogs reach a shoulder height of around 50 to 57 cm and weigh between 20 and 25 kg, making them medium-sized dogs.

Care: How to keep your Griffon healthy and happy

Grooming the Griffon bleu de Gascogne is relatively simple, but requires regular attention. Its rough coat should be brushed weekly to prevent matting and keep the skin healthy. A thorough check of the ears is important to prevent infections. In addition, claws should be trimmed regularly and teeth brushed to prevent dental disease.

Health: Robust, but not invulnerable

The Griffon bleu de Gascogne is a generally robust breed, but it can be susceptible to some health problems typical of the breed. These include hip dysplasia, ear infections and skin problems. Regular veterinary check-ups and a balanced diet are essential to ensure your dog's health.

Exercise and training: exercise and activity are essential

These dogs need plenty of exercise and mental stimulation. Daily long walks, runs and playful activities are a must. They are excellent companions for joggers and hikers. In the city, they are only suitable to a limited extent, unless you can provide them with sufficient exercise and free running. Hunting dog training and tracking are ideal activities that encourage their natural instincts.

Behavior with children and other animals

The Griffon bleu de Gascogne is generally friendly and patient with children. However, its lively nature can sometimes lead to boisterous play, so supervision is recommended. He gets along well with other animals, especially dogs, as long as he is socialized early. However, his hunting instinct can be problematic with smaller pets such as cats, so careful introduction is necessary.

Recognition by the FCI and interesting facts

The Griffon bleu de Gascogne is recognized by the Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI) and belongs to Group 6, Section 1.2: Running Dogs. This recognition confirms the pure breeding and the special characteristics of the breed.


Alternative Names
Blauer Gascogner Griffon
Country of origin


Height at withers
Life expectancy



6 - Running dogs, sweating dogs and related breeds


