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Erdélyi Kopó

Erdélyi Kopó: The faithful companion from the Carpathians

Who is the Erdélyi Kopó suitable for?

The Erdélyi Kopó is a dog for experienced dog owners who appreciate its hunting instincts and strong will. It is particularly suitable for active people who can provide it with sufficient exercise and mental challenges. Families who spend a lot of time outdoors and enjoy hiking will find Erdélyi Kopó a loyal and energetic companion.

Character and temperament

The Erdélyi Kopó is known for its courageous and independent character. He is intelligent, eager to learn and shows a strong bond with his family. He can be reserved towards strangers at first, but with the right socialization he becomes friendly and open-minded. His strong hunting instinct makes him an excellent tracker and hunter, which is why good training and control are important.

Appearance of the Erdélyi Kopó

With its strong build, well-proportioned musculature and characteristic drooping ears, the Erdélyi Kopó is an impressive sight. Its short, dense coat is weatherproof and mostly black with tan markings. Males reach a shoulder height of 55 to 65 cm and a weight of 30 to 35 kg, while females are somewhat smaller and lighter.

Care and health

The Erdélyi Kopó is relatively low-maintenance when it comes to grooming. Regular brushing is sufficient to remove loose hair and keep the coat shiny. This breed is robust and healthy, but regular veterinary checks should be carried out to detect diseases at an early stage. Particular attention should be paid to hip dysplasia and eye problems, which can occur in rare cases.

Exercise requirements and habitat

The Erdélyi Kopó is a very active dog that needs a lot of exercise and mental exercise. Long walks, jogging and extensive play are a must. A life in the city is only suitable if the dog gets enough exercise every day. A house with a garden or a rural environment where the dog can live out its urge to move is ideal.

Training and education

Training the Erdélyi Kopó requires consistency and patience. Due to its intelligence, it learns quickly, but needs clear guidance and positive reinforcement. Puppy school and early socialization are important to foster a well-behaved and balanced dog. Hunting and tracking work are excellent activities that suit his natural abilities and keep him happy.

Behavior with children and other animals

The Erdélyi Kopó is a loving family dog that gets on particularly well with children. It is patient and playful, and its robust nature makes it easy to handle active children. He usually gets along well with other animals if he is introduced to them early on. However, his hunting instinct can be a challenge when dealing with smaller pets.

Recognition and interesting facts

The Erdélyi Kopó is recognized by the Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI) and is listed in Group 6 (Running Dogs, Welding Dogs and Related Breeds). This breed impresses not only with its willingness to work and endurance, but also with its loyalty and affection for the family. An Erdélyi Kopó needs a task and plenty of exercise, but with the right attitude and care it will become an indispensable part of family life.


Alternative Names
Transsylvanischer Laufhund, Ungarische Bracke, Siebenbürger Bracke
Country of origin


Height at withers
Life expectancy



6 - Running dogs, sweating dogs and related breeds


