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English Foxhound

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English Foxhound: The aristocrat among hunting dogs

A history full of nobility and hunting

The English Foxhound has its roots in England in the 16th century. It was bred specifically for fox hunting and combines speed, endurance and a keen sense of smell. Breeding began among the British aristocracy, who needed a dog that was not only enduring, but also obedient and robust. Targeted breeding resulted in today's English Foxhound, which still has the typical characteristics of its ancestors.

Who is the English Foxhound suitable for?

This dog breed is ideal for active people and families who spend a lot of time outdoors and can offer the dog sufficient exercise. Due to its hunting instinct and energy, the English Foxhound is less suited to city life and needs plenty of space to run and play.

Character: Friendly, independent and persistent

The English Foxhound is known for its friendly and sociable nature. They get on well with other dogs and people, but can sometimes be a little stubborn due to their independent nature. These dogs are intelligent and capable of learning, but require consistent upbringing and training.

Appearance: Athletic and elegant

The English Foxhound is a large, strong dog with an athletic build. It has a deep chest, muscular legs and a short, dense coat that comes in various color combinations such as white, black and brown. The typical floppy ears and expressive look round off the noble appearance.

Grooming: simple but consistent

Grooming an English Foxhound is relatively uncomplicated. Their short coat needs to be brushed regularly to remove loose hair and keep the skin healthy. Ear care is particularly important, as floppy ears are prone to infections. Teeth should also be brushed regularly and claws trimmed.

Health: Robust and durable

English Foxhounds are generally healthy and robust. However, as with many larger dog breeds, hip dysplasia and elbow dysplasia can occur. Regular visits to the vet and a balanced diet contribute to the dog's health and longevity.

Size and weight: impressive dimensions

An adult English Foxhound reaches a shoulder height of 58 to 64 cm and weighs between 25 and 34 kg. This stately size makes him an imposing yet elegant dog.

Exercise: Lots of exercise required

English Foxhounds are extremely active dogs that need a lot of exercise. Daily long walks and the opportunity to run and sniff freely are essential. Living in a city apartment is not ideal for this breed; a house with a large garden or access to wide fields is ideal.

Training recommendations: Patience and consistency

Training an English Foxhound requires patience and consistency. These intelligent dogs learn quickly, but need clear and consistent instructions. Positive reinforcement and varied training sessions help to motivate and mentally challenge the dog.

Behavioral characteristics and interaction: A friendly companion

English Foxhounds are friendly and social dogs that get along well with children and other animals. They are sociable and enjoy the company of their human and animal family members. However, due to their hunting instinct, they should be allowed to run in secure, fenced areas.

FCI recognition and more interesting facts

The English Foxhound is recognized by the Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI) and belongs to Group 6 (running dogs, sighthounds and related breeds). Interestingly, English Foxhounds were prized not only for foxhunting, but also for their role in the history and culture of England. Their noble origins and stately appearance make them a fascinating breed with a unique history.


Alternative Names
Englischer Fuchshund
Country of origin


Height at withers
Life expectancy
bis zu 11 Jahre



6 - Running dogs, sweating dogs and related breeds





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