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Bedlington Terrier

A representation of

The Bedlington Terrier: The dog with the lambskin

History of the Bedlington Terrier

The Bedlington Terrier originates from the Northumberland region of England and was originally bred in the 19th century. The breed got its name from the mining town of Bedlington, where it was particularly popular. Originally, the Bedlington Terrier was used as a hunting dog, especially for hunting small game such as rabbits and rats. Over time, however, the breed developed into a versatile companion and even a valued family dog.

Who is the Bedlington Terrier suitable for?

The Bedlington Terrier is particularly suitable for active people who enjoy spending time outdoors and are looking for a loyal companion. Due to its friendly and sociable nature, it is also suitable for families with children. Bedlington Terriers also do well in the city as long as they get enough exercise and mental stimulation.

Character of the Bedlington Terrier

The Bedlington Terrier is known for its intelligent, courageous and friendly character. These dogs are very alert and can form a strong bond with their owners. They are playful and curious, which makes them great companions for active people. At the same time, they are also quite independent and can occasionally display a headstrong character.

Appearance of the Bedlington Terrier

The Bedlington Terrier has a distinctive appearance with a narrow, pear-shaped head and a woolly, curly coat texture. These dogs have an elegant, graceful appearance and are often seen in the colors blue, liver or sand. A special feature is their curved back and low-set tail.

Grooming the Bedlington Terrier

Grooming the Bedlington Terrier requires regular brushing to keep the coat clean and free of tangles. A professional cut every few months is also recommended to maintain the breed's typical appearance. In addition, the ears should be checked and cleaned regularly to prevent infections.

Health of the Bedlington Terrier

Bedlington Terriers are generally robust and healthy, but can be susceptible to certain genetic diseases such as copper storage disease. Regular veterinary visits and check-ups are important to monitor the dog's health and detect potential problems early.

Size and weight of the Bedlington Terrier

An adult Bedlington Terrier reaches a shoulder height of around 38 to 43 cm and weighs between 8 and 10 kg. This compact size makes them ideal for city life, while still being agile and strong enough for various activities.

Exercise requirements of the Bedlington Terrier

Although the Bedlington Terrier is adaptable and comfortable in urban environments, it still needs sufficient exercise. Daily walks, playtime and mental challenges are important to keep this active dog happy and healthy.

Training recommendations for the Bedlington Terrier

Bedlington Terriers are intelligent and eager to learn, which makes training relatively easy. Positive reinforcement and rewards are particularly effective. Due to their hunting instincts, early and consistent training may be necessary to ensure they obey and behave well in various situations.

Behavioral characteristics and interactions with children and other animals

The Bedlington Terrier is generally friendly and benign towards children and other animals when properly socialized. However, they can have some territorial tendencies and should be introduced to other pets at an early age. Their playful nature makes them great playmates for children, but as with all dogs, interaction should always be supervised.

Recognition by the FCI

The Bedlington Terrier is recognized by the Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI) and is listed in Group 3 (Terriers). This confirms its compliance with the standards and the quality of its breeding.

Interesting facts about the Bedlington Terrier

An interesting fact about the Bedlington Terrier is that it is often referred to as a "lambing dog" due to its resemblance to a small sheep. This breed is known for its ability to adapt well to different living conditions, be it in an apartment or in the countryside.


Country of origin


Height at withers
Life expectancy



3 - Terrier





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Similar to Bedlington Terrier

These dog breeds look similar to the Bedlington Terrier or resemble it in character.